FrontAccounting (FA) is a professional web-based Accounting system for the entire ERP chain written in PHP, using MySQL. FA is multilingual and multicurrency. For further information and more downloads, visit our website,
- PunBB BBCode Documentation
- History of FrontAccounting | Abbreviations, Terms and Meanings in FA
- Reports in FrontAccounting | Build your own FA Reports
- FA Coding Guidelines
- Typos in FA Languages Strings not yet corrected
- F A Q s

- Articles
- FA24 Topics

Accounting Primers
- Chart of Accounts Explanation and Setup
- Bean Counter Accounting Tutorial
- Bean Counting 101
- Entrepreneurial Training Course Listing
- Accounting Basics
Opening Balance
FA Project Links
- Home Page
- Releases
- Forums
- Bug Track
- Official Addons Link for FA v2.3 branch
- Official Addons Link for FA v2.4 branch
- Official Secondary Git Repo
- Ap.Muthu's Unofficial FA 2.4 Addons repo
- Primary FA Source SF Git Repo since 2015-03-29
git clone git:// frontaccounting-git
- Official GitHub Mirror
- Primary FA Source SF Mercurial Repo till 2015-03-29
- Old Official Git Mirror Repo - All continuous changes available since v1.16 mirrored since 2013-04-16 moved to SF Old Git Repo since 2013-03-29
- Git Clone URL:
- Nice URL:
- Git Clone URL:
- Ap.Muthu's GitHub Source Repo (Unofficial) - Step Release changes since 2.2.x onwards only.
- Ap.Muthu's FA Support Wiki
- Cambell Prince's GitHub Repo (Unofficial) - Forked from the Official Git Mirror Repo
- Gene Barker's Docker Build for FA | GitHub
- KVcodes Bitbucket repo - frozen at 2018-01-01 FA v2.4.3
- FreeBSD Port
- Extension Development @ GitHub
- LDAP Connector - Elax Code | Attach:Cache_LDAPConnector.tar.gz
- Starborn ERP Extension - Project Page - Sales Project, Package and Unit Conversion Extension.
- Ross Addison's Import Transactions extension at GitHub
- Serban Constantinescu's Bank Statement Import Extension - Forum Post
- Third Party Documentation
- eBooks - 9786134566681 Betascript Publishing
- Hello World FA Module
- NMEICT/MHRD - FA Tutorials @
- Videos for FA 2.3.x - English
- 2016-09-17: Installation of FrontAccounting on Linux OS
- 2016-03-09: Setup in FA
- 2016-07-22: Setup in FA
- 2016-07-04: Banking and General Ledger
- 2016-07-22: Items and Inventory
- 2016-07-22: Sales
- 2016-09-17: Purchases
- Videos for FA 2.4.1 - English
- 2017-06-15: Installation of FrontAccounting on Windows OS - 10.2 MB
- Scripts
- Videos for FA 2.4.7 - English
- Videos for FA 2.3.x - English
FA Payroll
- Simple HRM Extension .
- HR Payroll Extension (now private. Cache) - (Public Clone) - Last Known Code set
- Payroll Calculators - USA | Canada
- Farhaj's closed source HR and Payroll thread
- FrontHRM - Open source Payroll & Human Resource extension - Thread - Source Code
FA Other Modules
FA Fixes not in Official repos as yet
- 2013-11-23: Slow Query Fix - This fix will need to be propagated to all Charts of Accounts as well. The Unofficial GitHub commit has it. Partly committed in the Official Repo Mirror.
FA v2.4 Current Stable
- SF Hg Code Repo - Pre release commits
- Official SF Git Repo
- Official Github Mirror
- Ap.Muthu's Unofficial GitHub Repo for FA 2.4 | Wiki
FA v2.5 Current Unstable
- SF Git Repo - Pre-Release Commits
- Official Github Mirror
- Ap.Muthu's Unofficial GitHub Repo for FA 2.5