All your clients should have 'Use item sales account' option set in Sales Account selector for every branch, otherwise sales account is get from customer branch, not the item record.


(1 replies, posted in Translations)

Your system administrator have to generate es-AR.iso-8859-1 system locale. If you have not root access to the hosted server, ask your support to do it for you.


(2 replies, posted in Setup)

PEAR library is not installed by default on many www servers, so switching to PEAR would generate more problems than solutions. I know nothing about how SMTP authentication is supported under Windows, but port can be set in hp.ini (see


(4 replies, posted in Reporting)

Timeout for all report generations is now longer which should prevent unexpected  timeouts. Related code  changes has been send to main CVS, and will be available with next minor FA release. Thanks for pointing problem out.

You have to change report rep109.php. Thie change is not trivial as tax details are not calculated and stored in system for sales orders, but onl for invoices/credits.


(4 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

No. debtor_trans/details does not store information related to sales orders, but sales invoices/credits/deliveries.


(27 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

As far as I understand the differences described in first Arion post, Cash Accounting scheme is exactly the same as Accrual Accounting with one exception: when the  payment is taken into account (invoicing vs payment date). Therefore to implement cash accounting method the sql query in rep709.php (and Tax Inquiry) should use only invoices for which payments was allocated in selected time period. Is it right?

I have fixed the super admin description on wiki, as there was some misleadings in it. Anyway thank you for all your contributions.

This is timeout error, and there was a couple of threads over there explaining various reasons of this behaviour. First check if your server is responsive enough i.e.does not generate too long delays on page reload. Try test FA with javascript swiched off in your browser.


(26 replies, posted in Setup)

This can be related to charset selection in ma class. In 2.2.x the charset was set always to ISO-8859-1. In FA 2.3 it was fixed. You can try change the charset to the one you use about line 58 and 65 of /reporting/includes/

Yes, I have finally found this bug. The fix was added to CVS main. You can also fix it yourself by changing 'get_post' call to 'input_num' in line 333 of /includes/ui/ This bug suffers only installations were other than dot decimal separator is set.

Yes, of course it should work. I cannot reproduce this prlem, but maybe some rounding problems appeared again after last fixes in this option related code. As a temporary workaround you can ignore the allocation during payment entry, then allocate the payment later via Allocate Supplier Payment or CN option.



(8 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

As for now (once used) item codes cannot be changed. You need to write some sql script to change all references to old codes to the new one.

No. When you define new item on Items screen you have available type selector. Just entry item name, select 'Service' type and  check other settings. After adding new item you can use it sales/purchase module.

No.This is gettext  requirement in Linux, which just does not work without proper locales installed, so you should ask server admin for adding required locales. This does not collide with any other server side software, so if he reject your request it is simply by laziness. In this case the only way is changing cooperating provider to any other one more user friendly.

Yes. Inventory is not affected for service items.

You have to install zh_TW..UTF-8 locales on your Linux server, otherwise translation will not work.

What do you see on System Diagnostics page under Setup tab?

Keep in mind register_globals set to On is potentially dangerous. Does latest version of OSCommerce still need this?



(15 replies, posted in Setup)

You can send the modified version to contribution mailbox, address you will find on our Contact page. Thank you very much, and sorry for inconvenience.
When release 2.3 will appear we plan to improve also extension repository maintenance, so such problems are avoided.


Well, we live in hard times, but I think that it should be not a problem to find some kind of financial support on your local market. Russia is the country of big possibilities smile.


Hi Worrab,
I see no problem with establishing separate forum section for such questions, however the accounting rules vary from region to region. If you would like to keep care of such a specialized forum we can create it in a while smile.



(5 replies, posted in Installation)

Upgrade process should be fairly simply. You have replicated your installation together with database content, so you can test the process safely:
. update all your FA php files by overwriting them with files for version 2.2.9;
. login as  first company admin;
. go to Setup/Software Upgrade and perform upgrade to FA 2.1,  then to FA 2.2.
. logout
. make needed changes in config.php file.
. login again - all should work right.

In case of any failure you have to restore database from backup files automatically created during upgrade, fix the source of problem, then try again. In case of smaller problems sometimes forced upgrade works just right.

If you have made some php scripts customizations you have to apply the changes again to the new sources manually - there was a lot of changes during last 2 major releases in literally all files, so I guess no automatic patching would work.

If you will gain some experience, please share it writing wiki entry and/or continue the thread.



(1 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Well, I'm not sure I understand you right, but both Supplier Payment and Customer Payment screens displays all yet not paid invoices, so you an allocate entered payment to selected invoices in one step.


(15 replies, posted in Setup)

Yes, I think it can. I'm not sure about this, I do not know Windowz well.