1 (edited by thhui 06/08/2010 01:43:45 am)

Topic: PDF generated buggy report when printing with utf-8 code

I am uploading the frontaccounting files to a
linux webstie to have a trial.

When printing a report with utf-8 Chinese characters,
the pdf report is having chinese double byte chaacters ovelapping with contagious English character and other Chinese double-byte character.

On the other hand, the excel report do not have this problem.

I try it in my windows enviormnent, the above issue does no exist.

Pls help!!!

Re: PDF generated buggy report when printing with utf-8 code

What do you see on System Diagnostics page under Setup tab?

Re: PDF generated buggy report when printing with utf-8 code

The language configuration part has displayed following messages:-

Missing ../lang/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/en_US.mo translation file.
Missing system locale: en_US.UTF-8
Missing ../lang/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/zh_TW.mo translation file.
Missing system locale: zh_TW.UTF-8

Re: PDF generated buggy report when printing with utf-8 code

You have to install zh_TW..UTF-8 locales on your Linux server, otherwise translation will not work.

5 (edited by thhui 05/31/2010 05:39:17 am)

Re: PDF generated buggy report when printing with utf-8 code

Because the Linux server is outside my scope to modify,
It only installs en_US.iso-8859-1
and I could manage to modify the code to display the Chinese character and translate it well in the Homepage display.

Could we bypass the utf-8 locale restriction (windows system do not apply this restriction) to make it work in pdf generation just like Excel.?

Re: PDF generated buggy report when printing with utf-8 code

No.This is gettext  requirement in Linux, which just does not work without proper locales installed, so you should ask server admin for adding required locales. This does not collide with any other server side software, so if he reject your request it is simply by laziness. In this case the only way is changing cooperating provider to any other one more user friendly.

Re: PDF generated buggy report when printing with utf-8 code

I finally got how to solve it.

It indeed miss a file
/reporting/fonts/uni2cid_ac15.php (in addition to chinese_traditional_cid0.php)

Thanks to itronics!