Topic: Yellow little warning sign while updating record on same time

Dear All,

Please help me, i have installed FrontAccounting Localling which was ok, but after uploading when i want to update somthing like i want to add Customer, Suppliers, Stores or Bank Accounts etc it not showing updation on the same screen, rather there is a little yellow rectangular sign on the top i think warning symbol. also after checking the status of the added item it is showing latter on,

Please tell me what to do so that all records etc can be update same time like offline or local installation,

Wiqar Ali

Re: Yellow little warning sign while updating record on same time

This is timeout error, and there was a couple of threads over there explaining various reasons of this behaviour. First check if your server is responsive enough i.e.does not generate too long delays on page reload. Try test FA with javascript swiched off in your browser.

Re: Yellow little warning sign while updating record on same time

Thank you dear , I will try this hope it will work.