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Hello Joe,
I dont understand how you can create an invoice with prices when there the selling prices are entered in the system. Moreso, when you enter a product into the invoice it will show you the price for i unit then when you increase the unit, it automatically update the amount of such product.
Please kindly enlighten me on how to sell a product for free in front accounting and what to do to stop it.
Hello Joe,
There are some discoveries I need explaination to.
1. A clerk of mine wrongly entered an invoice. I voided the invoice and asked her to enter the invoice correctly which she did. i later discover after three days that invoice has stock on it but no unit price and amount. Stock was deducted from my store but amount was not credited to the customers' account. What could have happened? Is there a way one can enter an invoice without the prices and an amount.
2. I voided a suppliers' invoice in the morning and in the evening, the stock on the invoice had not be returned to the store. although i checked the negative inventory entry. Why does it do this?
3. A customer gave me a cheque which was deducted from his debtor's account. on presenting the cheque, it was rejected so i do i add the amount back to his account?
please kindly assist.
Hello Joe,
My FA has been working fine until the system crashed. On reinstalling a new hard drive and installing FA, I restored the backups i had done. In it there are 4 companies running. the main office which is company 1, cannot not post any transaction. When I try to post, it brings the error "The entered information is a duplicate. Please go back and enter different value". So suprising that the other companies created from the main company are posting transaction very well. I have checked the database and I could not find anything wrong with it. Please help.
Hello Joe,
thanks so much for all response concerning FA.
I just discovered that I am not able to place the meaning of the stock check sheet reports' heading.
In the heading you have
Stock Check Sheets Training Co.
Print Out Date: 05/21/2010 06:26 am
Fiscal Year: 01/01/2010 - 12/31/2010 (Active) Demo User
Category: Grapes used for wine
Location: Házi raktár
Only Shortage: No Page 1
Stock ID Description Quantity Demand Available On Order
I am familiar with what StockID and Description means. But I do not really understand what Quantity, Demand, Available and On Order means because the names are not really correspond with the the figures generated in the report.
Please help.
Hello Janusz,
How do I make a customer balances to be displayed based on Location or Salesman so that I can view the performance of each sales man in every location. the customer balances report is very fine but it moddle up all the customers from the different distribution together. I want a situation where when I want to display customer balances, I will be able to select the sales folk so that it will generate my report based on sales folks.
secondly how do i make my stock check sheet display inventory based on specified period.
Hello Joe,
I would like my inventory report to have a start and end date so that I can see the items sold per period.
thanks Joe
Hello Joe,
I have critically examined the Sales Reporting and I have found out that if only I can add to the customer balances report the Sales folks filter, my problem is solved. that is by sales folk report, I will be able to see my customer transaction per sales folk.
Please your help will be highly appreciated.
Hello Joe,
Please I have a challenge with FA.
Like I told you earlier on. I run a business that we have sales reps that the head office gives goods to. FA was able to handle some of my problems. But the main problem here is as follows:
I cannot view the report of customers balances attached to each reps so that I can see the customer balances as per sales rep.
secondly, i cannot view the payment of the customers as per sales reps so that at a glance we can view what they have paid and what they are owing based on the various sales reps.
I want to see the transactions per sales reps. I can only see salesman's listing.
also when I tried to get the customer balances there is no provision for specific dates.
so what do I do to get these reports.
please help me cos I am in the middle of a fix because i cant get my customers per reps.
thanks in advance
Hello Joe,
I just ran into this problem. when I want to print customer balance report, salesman report and some other reports in inventory using pdf it shows that warning triangle. I went into the config.php file to enable error report and this is what it shows me when i want to print in PDF.
%PDF - 1.3
3.0 obj
<<Type/ Page
1 Parent /OR
1 mediaBox [00595.28 841.89]
1 Resource 20R
1Contents 4 ) R >>
4 0 obj <</Filter/StateDecode/
Length 2096>>
then funny symbols will apprear
how do i correct this.
funny enough if i click a category in the a Customer in customer Balances to print it will print it in PDF but when I want it to print all, it will bring the above error.
secondly, my login page showed this error after i enable debug.
"Undefined variable: power_url infile: c:\zampp\htdocs\frontaccounting\access\login.php at line 73"
"Undefined variable: power_url infile: c:\zampp\htdocs\frontaccounting\access\login.php at line 136"
"Undefined variable: power_url infile: c:\zampp\htdocs\frontaccounting\access\login.php at line 139"
please help
Hello Joe,
Thanks for your responses. i do appreciate you and all that works on the FA project.
I have this challenge and will very much appreciate if you can help me out. I have been able to do my conversion in inventory to units because we sell both in cartons and units. so my FA sees all as units.
my challenge now is this: when I am taking stock of goods in the store, i will like for FA to converts the unit stock into cartons so that i can see the quantity in cartons. E.g. We have a product that have 60units in a carton. by purchase price conversion, i have i carton in my store as 60units. when I want to take stock at the end of a period, i will love to see that 60units as 1 carton.
Is this possible, please help
Thanks for your response Joe.
Still on my supplier's discount, i have about 6 suppliers and the discount they give to me varies. sometimes they give 2% discount whichis equivalent to an amount say 250 naira. having posted the invoice with the amount before the discount. how do I deduct the discount received?
Hello Joe,
I have a little problem with my FA. sometime when i post a transaction, i post it with a wrong date. i discovered that I cannot correct the date within FA even as admin. how do I correct this situation.
Also when i try to generate a PDF report in FA, it initializes but later shows a triangle symbol at the top and no PDF is generated. how do i correct this also.
thirdly, how do i place Supplies discount in my transaction in FA.
hello Joe,
I just discovered that my customers balance in reporting does not display. when I click the display customer balances, it tries to but after a while it brings the red triangle icon at the top. same happens for aged customer balance. what may be the reason?
is it because the customers at many say 250 customers or what. Funny enough if i try to generate the report via excel, it opens.
moreso, if I want to get the customers balances per location, how do I go about it.
Please help
Hello Joe,
Please there is a situation with my FA. I have assigned all my debtors to their respective location that is manned by the salesreps. The issue I now how is:
1. when I want to issue an invoice to a customer (debtors) one I click the customer all the parameters to that customer is supposed to appear like payment = delayed, Deliver from location= location the customer is tied to. But this is not the case. I do i do this cos it will enhance speedy entry.
2. I also need to add additional fields (2 fields) for customers. how do I go about this.
3. I also want only customers assigned to a branch be made available to the salesrep when he logs in to FA. i.e he should be restricted to his customers alone.
4. How do I tie a salesrep to a location.
Hello Dave,
Thanks for your reply. you solved my problem. and your wiki page, it is superb. Great work!
hello Janusz,
thanks for your reply but i am not clear about your explanation can please elaborate more on it. please make it clearer so that I can understand it.
All I am asking is the implication of the decimal places by calculation in your specification.
Hello Joe,
thanks for the reply. it's like you didn't get me. What i mean is how do I add more than one customer at a time.
Having created a customer, you need to create a branch for that customer. since I have many customer I want to know if FA has a feature where e.g. i can enter many different customer and their branch at once to say time.
secondly, having entered customer, how do I create their beginning balance? that is the amount they are owing me.
Hello Joe,
Thanks for your kind asisting to me using this program. i really appreciate.
I have a question to ask. how do I assign customer branches to more than One customer at a time cos i have a lot of customers per branch.
kindly let me know.
Hello Joe,
Thanks for the quick reply. I am a little confused because i do not understand how the various dimension handles their sales and from what stock.
My question is this:
All stock we purchase must first get to the headoffice after which these stock and now distributed in smaller quantities to the other outlets(branches). How do i allocate stock to the other branches using dimension. and hw do i record expenses in the various location against their sales using dimension.
sorry if my question is a little unexpected.
Hello Joe,
thanks for your reply. it is like i am getting close to solving my problems.
I enabled dimension on my company setup to 1. is that correct? I now went to create the three branches as three dimensions.
My question is this:
Do I also create the headoffice as a dimension also?
All goods must come into the headoffice before they are transferred to the branches. how do I receive these goods into the headoffice and how do I inturn transfer them to the branches which are now dimensions?
Please help.
Hello Joe,
i have read a little about dimension and I want to ask if dimension can handle this aspect of my accounting
We have an head office and 3 branches. When we get supplies, we send goods to these 3 branches/Outlets to be sold. Now there are expenses these outlets incur and we want this expenses to be deducted from the sales in that outlets. then whatever is balanced is transfered to the head office as income from that outlet. Can Dimension handle this. if yes, how do i go about it.
Hello Joe,
Please what is the use of the decimal places in the unit of measurement creation. I mean what is the use of the decimal places in UOM.
Hello Joe,
Thanks to your crew for this wonderful software. kudos to you all.
I want to know if I can customize the reporting of FA to reflect some fields that are not presently shown in the invoice. I am thinking of using it for an existing business that already has a printed invoice with blank spaces where values of what is due a customer and the customer balance is printed and the duration for the invoice printed. this preprinted invoice already has a format that these values appear. can FA handle it for me.
Hello All,
I am Using FA for my business and i have about 3 branches. I want the branches/location to handle their individual expenses from their sales. How can I use FA to implement this.
moreso, when creating unit of measurement, what is the function of the decimal places there?
I do I know the breakdown of the stock a particular customer in a location has purchased from that location. I.e. where do i get the reports for a particular location transaction.
please help
Hello all,
I am using FA for my business. We have about 3 locations apart from the main store and we want every expenses incurred at locations to be deducted from the sales of the locations. how can I use FA to accomplish this.
Secondly, when creating unit of measurement, what is the function of the decimal places there?
thirdly, how do i remove some of the accounts that I do not need in the chart of accounts.
Moreso, I do I know the breakdown of the stock a particular customer in a location has purchased from that location.
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