(3 replies, posted in Setup)

As far as I know you have received detailed answers for all your questions directly on your email box, didn't you?

Unfortunatelly there is a bug in Customer Payments page code in 2.3.17 release. You can fix it changing lines 265-267 in file sales/customer_payments.php like this (see the 'get_post' to 'input_num' call change at the end of the code fragment):

    $payment_no = write_customer_payment($_SESSION['alloc']->trans_no, $_POST['customer_id'], $_POST['BranchID'],
        $_POST['bank_account'], $_POST['DateBanked'], $_POST['ref'],
        input_num('amount'), input_num('discount'), $_POST['memo_'], 0, input_num('charge'), input_num('bank_amount', input_num('amount')));

Let me know whether it will fix the problem for you.


(1 replies, posted in Translations)

This is normal for local translations, and does not hurt in any way. Both fields are meaningful only for translations installed form central FA repo. If you want to make your translation available to other FA users via FA repo just send the files to us on contibutions emailbox. You will see the respective version numbers as soon as your work is available from FA repo.

The reports are optimized, so next report page is generated only when there is no free space on first page. The only way to have more item lines on every report page is using smaller font size. You can do it e.g. changing fourth parameter to FrontReport call in report file (e.g. you can change '9' to '7' in lines 68 and 88 of rep107.php for sales invoice).


(8 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

the table item_code does not contain the item_code nor stock_id at all.

What do your mean? You really mean the *_item_codes table structure does not contain 'item_code' nor 'stock_id' fields?
Or just item_codes record was not created in the table when adding new item on Items page?

Seems you have uninstalled dashboard theme, but your record in *_users table still contains reference to it. Try change *_users.theme field from 'dashboard' to 'default' using e.g. phpMyAdmin, login to FA and install dashboard theme again.


(2 replies, posted in Reporting)

In this report Grand Total is sum of totals for all customers.

Thanks for info and sorry for the delay.
Seems you have something broken in your lang/installed_languages.inc file. Check following things:
. $dflt_lang should be set to locale existing in one of $intalled_languages array ('code' element)
. every $installed_languages elements should have valid 'encoding' value defined;
. records in 0_users table should have valid locale values in 'language' field.



(40 replies, posted in Translations)

Nice news, please go ahead! When you are ready please send the translation file to the contriubtions mailbox, then we will make it available to other FA users.


(15 replies, posted in Translations)



(9 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

There is only one UOM assigned to any inventory item in FA, so you just have to create another item with different UOM, and create it in manufacturing process before you can sell it.

I think it should be considered as  modsecurity bug, shouldn't it?

Interesting, but I to fix this issue we need to know where the empty parameter is passed from.
Could you include following code before line 470 in file JsHttpRequest.php:


and cite the call stack stored in tmp/errors.log here?

Probably you have 'Automatic currency account revaluation' option set in your company setup. Having this, your currency account balances are revaluated automatically, so you have currency accounts value always up to date.

The GL posting to Foreign Exchange Gain account which is not voided with payment is related to your currency account balance value change (due to exrate change), and not related to the voided payment transaction.

The original 'Reverse Transaction' option was implemented long time ago, and later never revised. When removal of this option was discussed in the past, some FA user argued that GL records once posted should never be removed from journal. Therefore the only way to move any GL transaction from one accounting period to another is posting them again twice: in proper period and in the previous period with negated sign.

I personally don't like 'reversal' adjustment method, as such an operation fixes only total accounts balances, leaving side balances (Cr/Db) for the period still biased. But I can understand that in some countries alternative journal transaction voiding can be forbidden, so I proposed alternative workflow described above, which is at least a little less error prone.

If this thread discussion would lead to the conclusion that nobody is interested in the 'reverse transaction' option, I would be happy just to remove it instead wink.


In Journal Entry form there is 'Reverse Transaction' option available. When this option is used, in additon to the journal entry just defined by user, duplicate  transaction with negated amounts is created in next month. This option has been designed log time ago AFAIK to make easier correcting previously existing journal entries, in case they were posted in improper accounting period.

We plan to remove the Reverse Transaction option, and supersede it by following mechanism:

. new 'Reverse transaction' option icons column will be added on Journal Inquiry page;
. when the option in journal inquiry is clicked, the selected journal transaction is presented in read-only mode, with only two editable fields: reversal date and target date of reversed transaction, followed by submit button.
. when new dates are entered and form is submited, the two journal transactions are generated,  reverting the original transaction and effectively moving the GL postings to selected target date.

This way the workflow for transaction reversal is much less error prone. Currently you have to enter manually all the reversed
transaction line by line. After the change only the two dates will be required to reverse selected GL transaction.

What do you think about the planned change?



(11 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

If you have any bugs found and fixed in zen import module, please send the patched code to us, so we can make it available for other users via FA repo.


(12 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

To cancel whole purchase order first you have to first all deliveries made against the PO. You can do it suing Setup/Void a Transaction menu option. Then just edit PO for edition, press Cancel Order button and you are done.


(29 replies, posted in Wish List)

Serial number/lot tracking is not supported in FA 2.3, however it is some chance it will be available in 2.4.  I have started coding this feature some time ago, but this is huge development so I'm still not sure whether it will be finished before next major release is ready.


(2 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

COGS account is credited on delivery, and not during invoice issue. If you need to change initial cost of some item you can do it using Standard Costs screen in Inventory module.


(1 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

You can add itmes free of charge in FA to your invoice, but no other special trade promotion  feature is implemented in FA.

No problem. Item Categories table will be sorted by description since next minor release.


This is MySQL 5.0 issue, which will be fixed in next minor release. In mean time you can just remove the space between 'ABS' nad '(' in file reporting/rep108.php line 47mnad the report should work.

Thanks for pointing this out.

No, it is not possible,  in FA model taxes are calculated on net line amount base.  In FA you can just configure as many taxes as you wish for every ship to state. Right taxes will be selected using your customer tax group.



(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

The credit limit is displayed just for salesman information, but final decision is left to the salesman. Maybe in future FA version this option should be allowed only for selected users and restricted by additional access level, but for now it is only message for sales staff.
