Topic: Units of measure Question


Can you guide me on how to do multiple units of measure?


For 1 item there are 2 units of measure, Cases and Pcs.

Everytime I do Purchase order or Sales Order, I would like to switch the Units of measure from Cases to Pcs.

A step by step guide would be helpful.


Re: Units of measure Question

Well, please read about this in the You could use assembly (simple manufacturing) to do this.


Re: Units of measure Question

Can you send me a step by step guide on how to do it? I am totally lost.


Re: Units of measure Question

I am very busy at present. Please read about this in the wiki.


Re: Units of measure Question

If I'm going to put the Item type as Manufactured, but originally it is Purchased. Will there be a conflict in the reports for it?

Re: Units of measure Question

No, you can also try on the Training Co, first.


7 (edited by LeoB 06/16/2013 11:35:22 am)

Re: Units of measure Question

My goal is Multiple units of measure for 1 SKU. In this approach it adds another SKU for that Item isn't it?


I have and Item1 its SKU is 0001. In the Sales order when I selected the 0001, I can change the unit of measure freely from cases to pcs via dropdown.

Re: Units of measure Question

Help Please sad

Re: Units of measure Question


Help Please sad

Re: Units of measure Question

There is only one UOM assigned to any inventory item in FA, so you just have to create another item with different UOM, and create it in manufacturing process before you can sell it.