Topic: mb_convert_encoding(): Illegal character encoding specified
I am getting the following error in the log in a few places:
0:admin:JsHttpRequest.php:470: mb_convert_encoding(): Illegal character encoding specified
Looks like the problem is in JsHttpRequest::setEncoding (line 163). When $enc being passed is empty, the default value of $this->SCRIPT_ENCODING (which is respectable "windows-1251") is overwritten by an empty string.
And apparently mb_convert_encoding doesn't like an empty string. It's OK with missing third parameter, but not empty one.
When I wrapped "parse an encoding" in
if (!empty($enc)) { ... }
block, it seems to be working fine. Obviously, with English-only installation it is difficult to test how it behaves when encoding is actually set, but it works on my machine
The way this bug comes to the user - instead of a confirmation "Company was updated successfully" or similar, the user sees an orange warning sign