Topic: Credit Limit

Hi all,

I am new to frontaccounting and I like it. I have a bit of a question about customer's credit limit. I setup a customer with a credit limit of 1000 but when I do a direct invoice of Installment basis with an amount greater than 1000 the software allows the transaction to be saved. Should it be blocked since the customer exceeds the credit limit defined in his account? Any help would be appreciated.

I saw this link
but looks like it is not working for me. I have the current version of FA ver. 2.3.16


Re: Credit Limit


Any help?

Re: Credit Limit

The credit limit is displayed just for salesman information, but final decision is left to the salesman. Maybe in future FA version this option should be allowed only for selected users and restricted by additional access level, but for now it is only message for sales staff.
