(10 replies, posted in Installation)

Indeed. Fixed, Stable (i.e.2.3 branch) FA code is in master.

Both URL-s are valid and refer to te same repository.  Cambell's one is more elegant  though smile.


(10 replies, posted in Installation)

Sorry,  There was a a mistake in the git protocol url above, now fixed.

There is no ready solution fulfilling your requirements, but you can try developing another extension for FA, starting form code used in  another FA module with similar functionality like Items Import or Import Multi Journal Entries.

If you need to operate on account with negative balance it cannot have typ 'Cash account' selected when acount is created. Choose another account type e.g. Credit Account.


(10 replies, posted in Installation)

Gti mirror of the official Hg repo is already up and running again at


Sorry for late response. Git repository is already available, we had temporary technical problems.



(2 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Extension id have to be unique, so it cannot be caluculted on the fly from array size. The id is used as a base for security area identifiers provied by extensions, which are stored in security_roles table.

Still, I don't know what you realy would expect. FrontAccounting has built in ajax framework, which works fine. If you try to add anything which collide with the framework you have at leats 3 solutions:
1. change your code to not collide with main code;
2. change main code locally anyway you wish;
3. propose any changes in main FA code.

I will be happy to accept any improvements in FA ajax under one condition: all the FA code after the change have to work exactly as before. If you can provide me patch you would like to see in FA core code, go ahead. Otherwise choose solutions 1 or 2.



(4 replies, posted in Reporting)

Ok, if this is still an issue, please send me the details on PM. I can look into the problem in spare time.


(6 replies, posted in Installation)

riaz wrote:

Warning: ini_set() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/malliz/public_html/account/index.php on line 17

Talk to your site administrator to not block substantial php functions without which the application will not work (ini_set in this case).

The sql trail feature may seems a little not intuitive. You should look first into result field, which stores the query result (1 on success, 0 otherwise). The message stored is just additional comment which should be considered mainly in case of query error, but is also handy when looking for exact place where the error was triggered, so is sotred also on success.

Well, what do you expect exactly? You have all the FA source code open. Tools which you have selected for your development depends only on you, so if they appeared not suitable for this aim what I can do for you?


For reasons explained before we do not want to include all payment related options directly on invoice form. The workflow you have described is just too specific to your exact requirements, which some FA users would like but many others not.
But of course you can always make any customizations in invoice form you wish (finally FA is open source), just remember to merge the changes again with core FA code after upgrading to next FA version.


The best way to mainatin local customizations like this is to clone official FA mercurial repo, create local branch and store the changes here. This way changes in official repo FA code will not unexpectedly owerwirght your customizations. From time to time you will ned pop the cahneges in official branch and merge them with your local development branch. More details you will find in any Hg/Mercurial tutorial.



(4 replies, posted in Reporting)

The report files are written under unique (like e.g. 53c6da659ad34.pdf) name in company/*/pdf_files folder.
If this is not the case you probably have broken permittions on this folder. This location should be writable for www sever.
You can also have some paranoid setting for openbasedir parameter in php.ini.


(4 replies, posted in Reporting)

The *.pdf report files are created by Output method of TCPDF class (see tcpdf.php at line 4044).

Anyway, the exact system error message should be avilable in some file on the server. Have you set $go_debug variable in config.php? Have you inspected tmp/errors.log file? This is standard file when all the php/system errors encountered during FA runtime are written, but exact system behaviour depends also on server configuration.

As far as I understand you would like to have payment account selection directly on Direct Invoice form.
Unfortunatelly choosing cash account is not enough to entry all the details related to payment: usually the payment date is different than invoice date, customer can choose to pay with currency diffrent than invoice currency etc. This is why all the  payment options are not available on Direct Invoice form, but this is not a problem because on the final invoice entry screen you have direct link 'Entry customer pament for this invoice', which leads you to prefilled Customer Payment form. Here you can just select any cash account you need and entry payment with single click.


(28 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

The report is already available for install  from our extensions. Thank you for making FA beeter smile.


3. Looked at System info and it kept on showing installation file to be removed. There is no installation file at that point. The Backup screen also continued to show old backups that was removed.

I see no other explanation, than that you are watching not to the same folder which Apache uses running FA .

Maybe you have the version overriden e.g. in config.php (in older versions the $version was coded here) ?


(9 replies, posted in Announcements)

If you have made your customization on top of official code repo clone  (either Hg or Git) you should not  have any problems with merging latest fixes. Otherwise you would advise to generate diff file between your code and the version it was made on top of, and apply it to the new FA version.

The same as in previous post. LEFT JOIN is used when records joined on the right are optional. This is not the case.

No, this is not good idea. Left join is right when record in the table on the right of join is otpional. This is not the case here.


(3 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

PNG format is handled correctly in FA logos,a s well as *.jpg files. Maybe you have somewhat broken *.png file?
Some problems can be encountered only with files using transparent elements (e.g. log_frontaccounting.png in default theme - background is displayed in black), so shuch images should not be used here.
