Topic: Customize Form in FrontAccounting

I am new in FA.
I need to add a field in Add/Manage Customer Field (Lets say, Postal Code). I want to customize the form in
sales/manage/customers.php and Add a field or table in Database for postal code.

So what will be the best way to do for it. will it create problem if I update the form in customers.php  and later I update my FA with new version?

Any Suggestion in this case would be very helpful for me. Thanks.

Re: Customize Form in FrontAccounting

The best way to mainatin local customizations like this is to clone official FA mercurial repo, create local branch and store the changes here. This way changes in official repo FA code will not unexpectedly owerwirght your customizations. From time to time you will ned pop the cahneges in official branch and merge them with your local development branch. More details you will find in any Hg/Mercurial tutorial.
