Topic: $next_extension_id elimination

$next_extension_id is stored in the {webroot}/installed_extensions.php file.

It is used in:

admin/db/ ---> writing to the installed_extensions file(s)
index.php ----------------------------> set during install on CoAs
sql/alter2.3/php --------------------> updation of extension array elements

In general it is declared as a global variable from within functions and used and sometimes incremented. It is never decremented.

Actually it can be obtained by querying the $installed_extensions array and choosing to be one more than the highest key number or 1 if empty array.

This way we can make the array in each company (must make it a different name) have the same elements for the activated extensions.

Is this extension id stored in any FA table as a foreign key?

Re: $next_extension_id elimination

Extension id have to be unique, so it cannot be caluculted on the fly from array size. The id is used as a base for security area identifiers provied by extensions, which are stored in security_roles table.

Re: $next_extension_id elimination

The extension id can be unique if it is parsed from the max value of the id in the array and not from the array count.

When an extension is removed (after de-activation from all domains), will these security parameters too be removed from the security_roles tables and be available for re-use?

Is there any list of security area_identifiers across all official extensions to prevent unintended re-use across ones from different authors?