
(4 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

I'm not accountant too, but I can imagine that one day all of bicycles in my inventory had to be repainted on pink color, just because since January no other color is accepted by my customers smile. So I have to grow up the standard cost with the cost of repainting.


(3 replies, posted in Translations)

If your customer use your default currency, your language is used for invoices. Otherwise invoices are printed in english. If you want another language to be used for foreign customers - change doctext.inc to preferred language. This is how it works now, but probably subject to change in next FA releases.


I'm not sure what is the reason of the problem on your site, but the allocation works as expected with 'All' buttons at least on my install, and demo site as well.

I think there is some misunderstanding of the process. When you have some payment to supplier and some part of it (but not whole amount) is already allocated to invoice, when you select again the payment you have all allocated invoice displayed with 'This allocation' input filled. This is presented here to enable reallocation of the payment, however it was previously allocated.


(2 replies, posted in Installation)

I think the problem is here:

My Linux Mint 8 is in Spanish, my system locales are utf8, have set in FA  en_US and es_MX to utf8, the script insert the values with CHARSET=latin1 and have set MySQL to use latin1_swedish_ci collation to match FA db's.

I guess latin1 database cannot be used for utf-8 strings storage.


(5 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Seems to be good idea for companies with multiply locations and central purchase department.
Thank you Alvin for clear explanation. Only one question I'm not sure about: what is purpose of authorization to proceed PO?


(38 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Thank you for pointing out the custom workflows idea. It seems to be very powerful and indeed flexible when used with custom fields, but unfortunately this is also very time consuming when one want to implement it right, so it will have to wait some time for spare resources. Unless somebody else will be kind enough to contribute his time&skills to make it for fame, glory and our common welfare.

The direct invoice from sales order is another thing. It can be added easily using current code base.


BTW. I have read the thread on vtiger forum yesterday, but today now it disappeared. WTF?.


(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

If you can't see the issue on our demo site, probably something went wrong during update on your box. Otherwise give me url of the page on our site where I can see it.


Purchase order rep209, not rep122 (there is a mistake in header comment). Right address header is at he top of doctext/doctext2.inc, and content in header2.inc

Sorry, I give up. I really can't understand what happened. Anybody else can help?

What is the error displayed?
Check System Diagnostics page, to find what went wrong during installation..


(14 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

Hello Joe,
The application  interface is rather consistent, so your question appeared trivial to me (sorry again).
Currently there is no report defined for any single bank transaction, and this is not the only lacking report in FA, I'm afraid.  If there is no print link on final page after entering transaction, you can assume the report is not available (yet). Also all existing reports are available via common reporting interface, so when in doubt you can also check here to be sure.



(5 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

How it should work?


(1 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Purchase requisitions were not considered as core feature so far, and as far as i know it is not developed by third parties.


After the discussion we have decided to leave Reversing Journal Entry here without changes.


(4 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

No. Standard costs can change for various reasons, so it have to be editable.

If you want to block access to this feature to some users, fix role setup related to this user. Standard costs are under Banking & GL Transactions section.



(1 replies, posted in Translations)

Using gettext:

msgmerge file1.po file2.po -o resultfile.po


Yes, there is some inconsistence here, but fixing displayed addresses is not enough to support third party deliveries. How do you want to keep control over quantities delivered ? Currently  purchase invoice is always entered against GRNs, but items are never received into inventory in your case.

Unfortunately I cannot keep care of this bug right now, so please add the bug report to Mantis.



(14 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

Ups,sorry. Maybe I missed the subject. I don't know requirements for cheques processing, simply this type of payment is barely used in our region.


Yes it can be done by FA customization. You can e.g. set the text directly in report.


(5 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

I'm getting the same error using version 2.2.6, and a friend of mine is getting the same thing on 2.2.7. We are both running FA through XAMPP for Windows (sorry, I will change to Ubuntu when I get some time).

No problem if you are comfortable with this. FA should work the same on Win and Linux.

After making a Quick Payment through Purchases/Supplier Invoices, everything goes well until I click the "Entry Supplier Payment for this Invoice" link - the error comes up at the top of the Supplier Payments screen.

You mean Quick Entry in purchase invoice form? It is nto for payment entry but for additional purchase costs.

Interestingly enough (or not), if I input an invoice from an "Inventory Supplier" then when I go to "Payments to Suppliers" then it defaults to them and all works well. If I try to change the supplier by using <space *> to find my Quick Entry supplier, I get the error again.

You mean "Supplier Invoices"? I cannot reproduce the issue anyway.

Please let me know if there's any other information I can provide to help  with this. In the meantime, I will fiddle around with various things and see if I can find out what's causing it from this end. I'm no expert, so don't hold your breath...

What is the exact error message displayed? What php version you use? I cannot guarantee FA wil work properly on php 5.3.0 - IMHO this should be considered experimental, nobody in devel team use it. Check also System Diagnostics page to find if all is right in main points of your installations..



(14 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

Isn't it easier to check it yourself than wait for reply on forum?
Yes, of course it  possible. There is both bank account inquiry and pdf report (Bank Statement) which list both deposits and payments. If you register cheques/cash/transfers as customer payment you will have always debtors name displayed in reports.

Well, the model of cooperation with customer implemented in FA assumes that the price is known and confirmed at the moment of ordering. If you sell services and you quote your customer on hourly basis you can entry maximal confirmed value during order receive, then if final work is shorter than maximum confirmed you can write off the rest of order during delivery note issue.  This is how the final price agreement is implemented, at least for now.


Yes, I understand this is now complex processing, but I'm not sure your needs are common for some wider audience. Anyway I think we will find some satisfactory solution.
The contracts idea looks interesting enough to work on it. I think that, when implemented correctly, it would fulfill all requirements for recursive invoices without additional hassle for users not using it.

So it is how I understand the contract idea:
. There are two groups of customers: normal and contracted. The latter category can order goods at any time,  and delivery is done asap like for normal customers, but invoices are issued on some periodic base.
. Invoices for contracted customers should be issued just like the recurrent invoices are now processed, but should also involve all additional non-periodic deliveries made for the customer since previous periodic invoice was issued.
. All delivery notes for contracted customers should be hidden in 'Invoice Against Sales Delivery' selection page. Instead they should appear in recurrent invoicing page, where they can be selected for batch invoicing.

Would be this contract scheme satisfactory for you?


This should never happen, so I guess there is some problem with your database content, namely bank account setup.GL account used in selected bank account should be debited.



(6 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

This is set for every branch, not globally. Select the first option of Sales Account select list.