Topic: Language Issues updating companies.
Having some problems, but really enjoying the evaluation of FA, great software guys.
I've crated a DB script that will set default values to Spanish language. If i execute the script using the Create/Update Companies link the values are inserted correctly; but while browsing values in different pages of the app, accented characters are shown with non spanish 'symbols' as viewed raw in phpmyadmín.
If I execute the same script using phpmyadmin import or direct sql into the FA database, and then browse the values; now accented characters are shown correctly. I can live with that procedure, but not with the doubt
Have to say that the values used where inserted using FA in a test DB using same procedure as explained below, made a backup and edited sql to create my custom script.
The steps were:
1) Installed FA, changed en_UK to en_US utf8, logout/login.
2) Added Spanish Language utf8 logout/login.
3) Loaded script from Update Companies.
Value shown in FA: Depreciación Acumulada de Edificios
1), 2), 3) Loaded script from phpmyadmin.
Value shown in FA: Depreciación Acumulada de Edificios
Step 1 must be done to save correctly characters like áéíóúñ into the db.
BTW, think steps 1 and 2 can be avoided modifying code, but was lazy to do that, priority is evaluation.
What could be the reason for that ? My Linux Mint 8 is in Spanish, my system locales are utf8, have set in FA en_US and es_MX to utf8, the script insert the values with CHARSET=latin1 and have set MySQL to use latin1_swedish_ci collation to match FA db's. I'm using version 2.2.7
Have tested using XAMPP and direct installation of Apache, PHP and MySQL.
TIA, Oscar.