OK, this is 1st effort ever at PHP, looking at this, it looks like:
1. Ammend function get_po($order_no) in rep209.php to retrieve the delivery address from PO as it does not seem to be in the SELECT statement.
2. Print the address in header 2.inc. I think that should be done by modifying this block:
if ($sales_order != NULL)
$this->row = $temp;
if ($doctype == ST_PURCHORDER)
$this->Text($mcol, $this->company['coy_name']);
elseif ($doctype != ST_SUPPAYMENT && isset($sales_order['deliver_to']))
$this->Text($mcol, $sales_order['deliver_to']);
if ($doctype != ST_SUPPAYMENT && isset($sales_order['deliver_to']))
$this->TextWrapLines($mcol, $this->rightMargin - $mcol, $sales_order['delivery_address']);
3. Change Description in doctext.inc for the right hand text block to "Deliver to"
However, I see the delivery address is being printed for ST_SUPPAYMENT. Is that being retrieved elsewhere in which case I can skip step 1? That would be nice and easy!
Is there a list of report numbers somewhere? being able to find the ST_SUPPAYMENT report would be a great help
Brisbane, QLD, Australia