
(5 replies, posted in Dimensions)

Yes, it should work perfectly for you.



(5 replies, posted in Dimensions)

@Marc Pere

Please read about how to use the dimensions in the Wiki.



(3 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

The best you can do, is to inactivate the items when you do not wantt them to show up in the dropdown boxees.



(40 replies, posted in Translations)


You can se many of the short cuts in the file /includes/sysnames.inc about line 46.

GRN stands for Goods Receival Note
COGN stands for Cost of Goods Sold.

Don't hesitate to ask more if you are unsure. Thanks in advance.




The documents are not going to Excell/Calc due to another approach in layouts.



(40 replies, posted in Translations)

Sounds great, MicCo


Hello again,

Everything is covered in the audit trail.

On a global base we have about 200.000 downloads. From Sweden about 576, however we dont know how many use it.

Maybe someone in Sweden will respond to this topic. Let us hope so.


Thanks for your points.

FrontAccounting is rather open on this subject. All the corrections can be followed by the audit trail.

If your country doesn't accept this, you can use the access roles to prohibit these changes.



(18 replies, posted in Reporting)


This is strange. The expression version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.3.0") should return -1 if the PHP_VERSION is 5.2.17.

Therefore is should only enter the preg_replace_callback function if the PHP_VERSION was 5.3.0 or higher.

I have no idea why. But we could make it safe by adding the function_exists on the line too, f.i.

if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.3.0") >= 0 && function_exists("preg_replace_callback"))

For your information the preg_replace with the /e option is deprecated from PHP version 5.3.0.



(2 replies, posted in Setup)




(19 replies, posted in Installation)

In release FA2.4 you can set the following variable in config.php to true

    $allow_password_reset = false;

This will show a link to get a password reset.


Thanks apmuthu. As always you are my man!;)


Thanks LindPrKr!

You are right. This is a classical example. You have an amount where tax is included. How many percent to reduce to get the correct tax value. Maybe a good idea to put this on the Wiki.
@apmuthu, will you please?



(5 replies, posted in Wish List)

Could Foreign Item codes help you?

It is located in Items and Inventory tab, Foreign Item Codes.



(5 replies, posted in Wish List)

You can have as many locations per item as you want. Did I miss something?




(4 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Sorry, we will have to ask Janusz to do that. He is on vacation at present, but hopefully he reads the forum.


There are no setup options to make that in the maintenance setup.
However we can hack the code manually if this should be done.

Another option in these situations is to create a link to the file in the Git repository, where the file can be downloaded.


No, but you can create a service iten, called tax free shipping. Use the new gl account for this one.

Everytime you use tax free shipping only select this service as your last item.

If you want to use the built-in number as invoice number, then there is a global flag in config.php to handle that. Otherwise you can set the next reference number to be used in form setup, setup tab. You can use a combination of characters and numbers and the number is automatically increased.

Remember to look into the wiki if you are unsure about how FA operates.

If your installation is www.xxx.com/frontaccounting then it would be very easy to put
Www.xxx.com/frontaccounting/company/0/pdf_files/BalanceSheet.pdf into your browser.
And you get the pdf report nice and clear. This is the reason for scrambling the report name.


The incoice number 22 is the built in number. The number 117 is the reference number. The reason to have this reference number is that many users wish to create their own number that contains alphanumeric charecters, like WO-12 and WO-13 or something like that.

The random file name is due to security. If you know the folder where the pdf files are created, it is easy to look at the documents, if they have look-a-like titles.


Maybe Janusz will answer this. He has done some commits today.


This bug has also been reported on Mantis.

I have asked Janusz to take care of this. Hopefully he will do that asap.


Regarding the UTF-8 font, dejavu, it can be downloaded from our website. Look under the download sections. Follow the instructions given on the pages.

The downside of using UTF-8 is the huge footprint in PDF files.


The charset="ISO-8859-1" is related to the charset set for the document Before creating the PDF file. For domestic documents this would be the same as the charset set for your language. Foreign documents would use the language charset.

You can see the language charsets by going to Setup tab, Install / Activate Languages.
