(15 replies, posted in Setup)

Well, there is no more confidential info on packing slip than on delivery note after the changes described above, so you can use the paking slip with the same effect. Whether delivery note/packing slip is internal document or not depends only on company policy. But if you wish to use customized delivery note layout instead of packing slip, you surely can.



(5 replies, posted in Setup)

Look into update.html file included in the tarball.


(15 replies, posted in Setup)

Still I don't understand the issue. Why anybody would need special code modifications, while  the packing slip fulfills all the requirements (beside difference in titles)?

Thanks for pointing this out. Fixed.


(15 replies, posted in Setup)

I'm not sure what you mean. There is option 'Print as packing slip' for this report, which do what you want.


(7 replies, posted in Wish List)

The sys_prefs table where is stored legal_text has tinytext type of 'value' field. This is changed in forthgoing 2.4 version, and you can safely change it on your setup too. This should remove the 255 chars constraint also on legal text setting.



(15 replies, posted in Setup)

There is also option to print delivery note as packing slip. In this case no prices are printed at all.


(7 replies, posted in Announcements)

Anybody interested can subscribe to frontaccounting-cvs_updates mailing list to be notfied on every change in FA codebase. Another mailing list is available where every FA release is announced. I'm not sure we should disturb users sending mass mail from wiki/forum.

Bug 1785 has been fixed, the other one have to wait for 2.4 (our policy forbid database changes in minor releases).



(3 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Please check the init sql file of the module. Beside the tables you will find here a couple of stored sql procedures. Unfortunatelly stored procedured are not used beside Aset Register module, so backup/restore utility in FA does not care about them.

I'm not sure this is the source of problem you have encountered, but if it is, you can extract the procedures from the init file (i.e. remove all drop/insert/create table queries) and run it in phpmyadmin.


No problem, this is right place for such posts smile.

Maybe you should change Query page size under 'Prefferences' to some number bigger 1 smile.

We can do nothing about this until we have enough information about your environment.
What browsers on which system you have tried? What error messages you see when you have set go_debug=1? Is openssl extension switched on in your php.ini file?



(9 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Yes, this is right way to go. FA is rather B2B oriented, but if you have many random clients, and you do not want to create real customer accounts for them, you can create single 'Non registered customer' entry in Customers, then add every new contact info as additional branch to this customer. This way you have full contact info stored in FA database for later use, and you have only single additional entry in customers selector for all quotations.


Do I have to have each item in stock_master also in item_code?

Yes, you have to. The item_codes table stores all item identifiers, both local and foreign. If you truncated the table you have empty item selector in Sales module. This table is required to keep in the same place both local (stock) and foreign codes (like barcodes printed on packages). This way all the codes can be used in sales invoice entry.


(4 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

This has been fixed in hg repo too.


(16 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Yes, the Item Tax Setup is rather counter-intuitive, the only reason the item taxes are defined this way so far is backward compatibility.
Anyway, if you want to have GST calculated on Item sold to Customer, the same non-zero  GST rate have to be set for both:
a. Item Tax Group the item belongs to;
b. Tax Group assigned to your customer branch.
It means that in case a) you have to untick the related tax type, in case b) you have leave the box ticked.

Now about sales prices, in Sales Types you can define two kinds of pricelists: with tax included, or tax added.

. GST rate 5%.
. base invoice price $100.
When the price list has 'Tax included' box ticked final item price is $100 = 95.24+5%GST, otherwise tax is added to the price, so final price is: $105 = 100+5%GST.

All the other FA settings are not relevant to the tax calculations, so if you configure your system as described - it just have to work.

You will find login screen layout in access/login.php file.


(4 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Yes, you are right, but the gettext template update is normally updated once, just before new FA release. I would like to avoid sparse hg commits, but if this is any problem for you  I can make it  in a while.



(16 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

The tax will be calculated only if both Item Tax Type (for selected item) and Tax Group (for selected cudtomer) have common non zero rate Tax Type included.



(5 replies, posted in Setup)

Please check the directory structure under /company/*. When some folders are missing or not writable you can have problem similar to yours.

Yes, you are right, seems scenario you have described is not so rare. Well, unfortunately this is quite basic assumption in FA. Anyway  we will have to think more about making FA more flexible in this matter.

Vdonatiello wrote:

we are all aware that this is a free open source project, so everything we get is a nice gift, but if we could express some wishes i also would like a more efficient way to handle the Landing Costs

FrontAccounting is pretty much community driven application, so topics like that have quite big influence on FA development smile.

I think the most apprioprate way to distribute landed costs is assigning them in proportion to item values in invoice, but another problem is where and how this mechanism  should be implemented in FA? Some costs which should be handled as landed costs (e.g. shipment) are often documented on separate invoice issued by another company. How you would see the mechanism which would allow landing costs distribution in this case?


This issue will be fixed in next minor FA version. Before that you can change respective fragment to:

if (@$login_delay && (@$login_faillog[$user][$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']] >= @$login_max_attempts) && (time() < $login_faillog[$user]['last'] + $login_delay))
        return true;


(7 replies, posted in Manufactoring)

Set $go_debug=1 in config.php to see what is going wrong.

There is assumption in FA, that all sales terms and conditions are established at the sales order step (SO is some sort of agreement). Therefore, the prices entered in sales order are not subject to edition. You can consider this to be issue in scenario you have described.
