Topic: Invoice against delivery note - editable price and discount

We sell products to at Store X on consignment basis, we delivery goods to Store X and only issue invoice at the end of every month after receiving sales report from Store X. Sometimes Store X is having store wide discount and we have to bear the discount given by Store X to their customers. As the result, our selling price on the invoice has to be adjusted.
But when we "Invoice against delivery note", the price and discount of the items are not editable.

Any one can help?

Re: Invoice against delivery note - editable price and discount

Any body?
Or is this a short coming of FA?

Re: Invoice against delivery note - editable price and discount

There is assumption in FA, that all sales terms and conditions are established at the sales order step (SO is some sort of agreement). Therefore, the prices entered in sales order are not subject to edition. You can consider this to be issue in scenario you have described.


Re: Invoice against delivery note - editable price and discount

I guess it will be very helpful for all of the users if the assumption is removed.

Re: Invoice against delivery note - editable price and discount

Yes, you are right, seems scenario you have described is not so rare. Well, unfortunately this is quite basic assumption in FA. Anyway  we will have to think more about making FA more flexible in this matter.