Topic: where do descriptions come from?

On sales orders, deliveries and invoices, where does the item description come from?  I thought it was from the stock_master table but it seems to be from description field in item_code table.  Is that right?

If so, what is the description/long_description in stoc_master used for?


Re: where do descriptions come from?

The long_description in stock_master is only for internal use.


Re: where do descriptions come from?

Thanks, Joe

Am I right on the part about where the invoice, sales order, delivery descriptions come from?

What is description in stock_master used for?

How might long_description be used, where is it displayed?


Re: where do descriptions come from?

If you have a description in the Foreign Item Code, this one will be used, otherwise the stock_master description will be shown.

Again, the long_description is only for internal use.


Re: where do descriptions come from?

Again thanks for the quick reply, Joe

To test the description, I truncated my item_code table.  In items and inventory, I can see the description of an item and can edit it.  In purchases, I find items so can buy them.

But when I go to sales and try to enter a SO, it does not find any items at all, when I do a search using *, no items are found.

Do I have to have each item in stock_master also in item_code? 


Re: where do descriptions come from?

No, but you should uncheck the Edit Description for the Items.


Re: where do descriptions come from?

If I uncheck edit desc, then I won't be able to edit the desc?

Re: where do descriptions come from?

Do I have to have each item in stock_master also in item_code?

Yes, you have to. The item_codes table stores all item identifiers, both local and foreign. If you truncated the table you have empty item selector in Sales module. This table is required to keep in the same place both local (stock) and foreign codes (like barcodes printed on packages). This way all the codes can be used in sales invoice entry.

Re: where do descriptions come from?

Thanks for the info, Janusz

This is a big help.  I needed to change some descriptions for items.  Now I know what table/field I need to change.  Wish that the long_description was available item by item, then would not have to mod the desc field.

Your answer here might be worth putting into wiki.  Very clear and direct.


Re: where do descriptions come from?

Wikiied it.