Topic: No Tax/GST

When I raise an invoice their is no tax/gst be added at the bottom.

I have a tax code set to 15% and I have the items corresponding with that.

I just do not understand it. I have the tax not included so when I enter an invoice for $100 it just does $100 to sales and nothing else...

help would be magical

Re: No Tax/GST

Please read about the tax system in the wiki.


Re: No Tax/GST

Hey Joe,

I thought I had read everything but I will go back and check.

I did notice on the demos 2.3 does have a tax and 2.4 doesn't.

Re: No Tax/GST

Taxes = i have 15% and 0% set up
Tax Groups = I have GST and non GST set up - and attached to the 15% and 0%
Item Tax Types = I have retail and wholesale set up with including and excluding the gst.

When I post an invoice there is no GST and no GST posts to the accounts

Re: No Tax/GST

oh p.s. the customer is set to tax as well

Re: No Tax/GST

The tax will be calculated only if both Item Tax Type (for selected item) and Tax Group (for selected cudtomer) have common non zero rate Tax Type included.


Re: No Tax/GST

hmm nope, I tried opening a new customer and ensured the branch had gst on it.

so I have

item tax type = gst
tax group for customer via branch = gst
price is excluding gst

I am just very confused now.

Re: No Tax/GST

looks like this:

I see on this demo there is no tax and no your other demo there is tax.  Can you tell the differences.

I have gone over things 5 times now and still can not understand why there is no tax showing

Re: No Tax/GST

Key things to verify:

- Item Tax Type: ensure that the GST is *not* checked; it's counter-intuitive, but here, if you check GST it means that items under this type are tax-exempt.

- Edit the item under items and inventory. Ensure that it has the proper tax setting - ie, it has a tax type where GST is not excluded.

Re: No Tax/GST

kharding wrote:

Key things to verify:

- Item Tax Type: ensure that the GST is *not* checked; it's counter-intuitive, but here, if you check GST it means that items under this type are tax-exempt.

Just in case this doesn't make sense - when you edit the GST item tax type, do not check GST.

Checking GST in Item Tax Type will exclude items with that tax type from GST.

11 (edited by silvacourses 11/06/2012 08:18:24 am)

Re: No Tax/GST

Hi, I just installed FA and love it - easiest installation I've ever done.

Most of the setup was easy too.

But I am also having the exact same problem adding Texas Sales Tax.

When I add an item, it indicates the "Price after tax." But it is only the actual retail price of the product - I didn't add the tax.

Then just above the Total amount, it shows the "Included TX sales tax (7.25%) 8.78" but it doesn't add it to the total.

UPDATE... I just found the answer - again, a little counter-intuitive.

"On Sales Types (on the sales page) DON'T set the Retail option to have tax included"

I think it would be more clear to me (I'm a writer, not an accountant) if the option was to "Add tax" to the item, or maybe to leave the option as-is but say something like: "Tax is already included in the item price."

Anyway, I'm happy because now it works the way I want it to.


Re: No Tax/GST

haha well I am an accountant and am finding it fun smile

ok I did have the item tax type ticked but I have unticked and stilll nothing...

spent a lot of time on this now and just can't understand why I cant get the tax on!

Re: No Tax/GST

ok so I added another company with multiple other templates and still nothing. I think there is something wrong with my actual set up

Re: No Tax/GST

Yes, the Item Tax Setup is rather counter-intuitive, the only reason the item taxes are defined this way so far is backward compatibility.
Anyway, if you want to have GST calculated on Item sold to Customer, the same non-zero  GST rate have to be set for both:
a. Item Tax Group the item belongs to;
b. Tax Group assigned to your customer branch.
It means that in case a) you have to untick the related tax type, in case b) you have leave the box ticked.

Now about sales prices, in Sales Types you can define two kinds of pricelists: with tax included, or tax added.

. GST rate 5%.
. base invoice price $100.
When the price list has 'Tax included' box ticked final item price is $100 = 95.24+5%GST, otherwise tax is added to the price, so final price is: $105 = 100+5%GST.

All the other FA settings are not relevant to the tax calculations, so if you configure your system as described - it just have to work.

Re: No Tax/GST

nope I even tried adding a new item and attached it to a new tax and a new customer with the same tax and...

nope. nothing.

I think maybe there is a system issue somewhere. Might need to get a developer sad

Re: No Tax/GST

same thing happens in purchases when I create a supplier.

Re: No Tax/GST

ok finally figured it out....

I never added the line smile without adding the line you don't see the tax dada... lol

case closed