This should not be a problem.
Did you enter the correct period? Did you enter the dimension on a line with an income/costs type account?
Something must have been done wrong.


If you credit through the stand alone menu Credit Invoice, then the link to the invoice is not there. The standard transactions are reversed in relation to the invoice. This credit note can be used for other allocations.

Yes you can credit a Direct Invoice. Here you can use the 'Credit this' link in Customer Transactions. At least as long as it is not allocated. Otherwise you must use the stand alone Credit Invoice.


(7 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Yes, you are right Tom. The Advanced Manufactured items should be included in On Order as long as the WO is NOT closed (during productions the QOHs are updated). The normal assembly updates the QOHs at once, so there should be no update to On Order in this case.
The CVS Main repository is updated on Affected file /inventory/inquiry/stock_status.php
Some other mb_flag checks are fixed too in CVS Main.



(4 replies, posted in Manufactoring)

Yes, Tom, simple assembling does all the steps in one sweep.


The Required date is only used in the Advanced Manufacturing. In simple assembling the required date is set to be the same date as the issuing date.

When ticking the Show Item Codes, the Item listboxes shows the item code in front of the item name.



(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Due to various rules on how to calculate the percent I will demonstrate how it works:

Customer A has marked 2.5% for prompt payment discount. We issue an invoice on $125.
You get payment from your customer A. A field indicates that customer A has prompt payment discounts on 2.5% (only informative field). You decide if  this is a prompt payment and then it is up to you to split the fysical payment and the discount field (due to various rules on how to calculate ev. tax). If you want full 2.5% on $125 and you got $121,87 from Customer A you enter that in the first field and the discount $3,13 in the second field.
Now you process the payment and if you continue to immediate allocation you will see that everything end up right-


Thanks, and this translation is now available for download on


i've just looked through all the reports that can be filtered by dimensions and everything works just like a charm.
Normally you don't see any dimension transaction in the Balance Sheet, unless you explicitly have entered them in the Journal Entry Form.
But they should show up in P&L Statement, GL Account Statement, trial balance report etc. and many inquiries, that can be filtered by dimensions.
Did you select correct periods?
Which reports showed an empty report.
This is the first time I have heard of any problems with this.


If you put a dimension, either on an article or a client, it will automatically generate sales lines for these items. Please try a little harder to see how it works.
When you invoice, and if you put a dimension on the customer, this dimension is suggested. After you have created your invoice you can look at the GL entry.
The dimensions inside FA are powerful tools to follow a specific cost centre, project or whatever you use it for.
When you run a Balance Sheet or profit & loss statement, you can filter by dimension. There are other reports filtered by dimensions.
So please try again.



(3 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

You will see the user id stamped into the memo field. This is only a simple audit-trail.
You can see it when running the Report, List of Journal Entries.
A more detailed one has been created for release 2.2 unstable.
So stay tuned for this to come.



(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

No, but in the next release 2.2 you can choose to set the time zone stamp on the print out date.



(4 replies, posted in Wish List)

Sounds great alejreb,
yes and we, the developers, will monitor this thread also and try to help.


I guess a minor bug showed up here. When I tested to close a dimension it was still shown in the lists around FA. It shouldn't and this is fixed in CVS Main trunk, affected file /includes/ui/

Be careful when closing a dimension mistakenly. It can only be restored (opened) by accessing the database directly f.i. with phpMyAdmin.
Thanks softechmatrix



(1 replies, posted in Translations)

Yes you are and it is unlucky that we do not use the same English words on various places.
Good that you found out.


The first date is the creation date for the dimension. The second date is the estimated end day. This is only an informative field. If you want to close a dimension you have to do that in the dimension form.


In the Download Fonts section here on this Website, you can download the desired fonts. We only deliver the Adobe Built In font helvetica (iso-8859-1).



(4 replies, posted in Translations)

We just installed a Spanish/Argentine language on the demo server (Linux with gettext installed) . The language was set to UTF-8 in the PO file before creating the MO file (Catalog - Settings) (normally it is ok with iso-8859-1). Due to this we installed the language via Setup - install/upgrade languages. Set the  Encoding to UTF-8. Choosed the language in Preferences. Logged out and in again and everything went fine.

Normally you would set the encoding for Spanish to iso-8859-1, but I thought it would be cool to test if it works with UTF-8 and it did on the demo server.

Did you use UTF8 instead of UTF-8. I haven't tested if this could be a problem.


jackel7007 wrote:

Setup --> Display Setup --> Show GL Information:
This item can be ticked on or off, but what does it do / change

The link to GL information doesn't  show up in AR/AP transactions.

jackel7007 wrote:

Banking and General Ledger --> Journal entry --> Reverse transacion:
This item can be ticked on or off, but what does it do / change

Look in the Forum Announcement for answer to this. You shoul probably be an accountant to understand this.

jackel7007 wrote:

Setup --> Show GL Information -->
Past Due Days Interval:
Accumulate batch shipping:
Dimension Required By After: XX days
Work Order Required By After: XX days

Past Due Days Interval: In the customer/Supplier aging analysis there is a time-span between the due amounts. This is the time-span in days.
Accumlate batch shipping: If you are accumulating several delivies into one invoice, you can choose to accumulate the shipping cost from each delivery. Otherwise only a single shipping cost is debited.
Dimension required by after: The dimension will default be set as a closing date after these days. Can be overridden when creating.
Work Order Required By after: The work order will be set as required by this day. Can be overridden when creating.



(4 replies, posted in Wish List)

Maybe this could be done with a special module belonging to the GL tab. Unfortunately we do not have much resources at present to do this, but now we have announced it so maybe somebody out there reflects on this. I hope so.



(2 replies, posted in Wish List)

Please read this topic

It will show you the differences.


Thanks fblauer.
I forgot this practice. We will let it be as it is.



(3 replies, posted in Translations)

In release 2.1 many of the text in menus have an '&' inside it. This is accelerator keys. When preparing the translation files for 2.1, these translations were converted to fuzzy translations. Please check that all fuzzy translations become really translations. You have to confirm them all. And if you want accelerator keys, maybe you should set one.
The texts on the documents come from and The are translatable automatic to your own language via gettext. The texts in are constant English texts. If you want your foreign invoices to be in another language, please translate the texts in This is used if the customer is a foreigner (another currency than yours).

BTW, please share your translations with us, when you are ready.

You are right, tom. Fixed in CVS Main repository. File /sales/inquiry/sales_orders_view.php



(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

The en_US-demo.sql has a fiscal year of 2009.
The en_US-new.sql shouldn't have, because you will probably start with Open Balance values in 2008. And you can establish the fiscal year as you want, either an entended one, or a normal one.



(10 replies, posted in Translations)

Yes, correct, but you can give extended rules to the branches. If it is located in another state, the tax rules are different. It may also have it's own billing address.
If you are going to f.i. create a new customer and the customer has no branches, you can just create a branch with the customer data where appropriated. Just like if you are creating a new branch. A lot of default data is suggested.
