This is the archived config.php for FA 2.3.x. The config.php for FA v2.4.x is here.

Data not in config.php

System variables in config.php

  1. $error_logfile = dirname(__FILE__).'/tmp/errors.log';
    • A warning or error during operation is written to this logfile.
  2. $debug = 1;
    • Don't touch this. This is for special operations.
  3. $show_sql = 0;
    • Setting this variable to 1 will print all the SQL statements on screen. It takes a lot of spaces, so it might be difficult to see the forms.
  4. $go_debug = 0;
    • This shows only user warnings, errors and notices during operation.
    • Setting this to 1 shows all kind of warnings, errors and notices.
  5. $pdf_debug = 0;
    • Setting this to 1 shows all internal pdf output codes.
  6. $sql_trail = 0;
    • Set $sql_trail to 1 only if you want to perform bugtracking sql trail
    • Warning: this produces huge amount of data in sql_trail table.
    • Don't forget switch this option off and flush the table manually after trail checking, or your future backup files will get overloaded with this extra needless data.
  7. $select_trail = 0;
    • Setting this to 1 tracks SELECT queries also
  8. $app_title = "FrontAccounting";
    • Main Title of Application
  9. $version = "2.4.1";
    • Application Version (Release) now moved to version.php file
  10. $build_version = date("d.m.Y", filemtime("$path_to_root/CHANGELOG.txt"));
    • Build for development and support purposes. Don't touch this.
  11. $power_by = "FrontAccounting ";
    • Powered by. Don't touch this.
  12. $power_url = " ";
    • Powered by URL. Don't touch this.
  13. $no_check_edit_conflicts = 0;
    • No check on edit conflicts. May need to be set to 1 in certain Windows Servers.
  14. $no_zero_lines_amount = 1;
    • Do not print zero lines amount of 0.00 in Sales Documents if service item. 1 = do not
  15. $use_icon_for_editkey = 0;
    • Use icon for editkey (=true) right of combobox. 1 = use, 0 = do not use
  16. $auto_create_branch = 1;
    • Creates automatic a default branch with contact. Value 0 do not create auto branch
  17. $save_report_selections = 0;
    • Save Report selections (a value > 0 means days to save. 0 = no save) - See Forum Post
  18. $use_popup_windows = 1;
    • Use popup windows for views. This is the most common way to use these views. You see the underlying screen as well.
  19. $use_date_picker = 1;
    • Use date picker for all date fields. This is very handy to pick up dates. If you don't want it, set this value to 0.
  20. $use_audit_trail = 0;
    • This variable is deprecated. Setting this to 1, will stamp the user name in the memo fields in GL
    • This has been superseded with built in Audit Trail
  21. $show_voided_gl_trans = 0;
    • Setting this to 1 will show the voided GL Transactions
  22. $use_oldstyle_convert = 0;
    • Setting this to 1 will use old style amount convert (income and expense in BalanceSheet, Profit/Loss Statement)
  23. $show_users_online = 0;
    • Setting this variable to 1 shows users online discretely in the footer.
    • This might be handy to see how many users are online on the company, before doing critical operations.
  24. $show_po_item_codes = 0;
    • Show item codes on purchase order
  25. $def_print_destination = 0;
    • Setting this variable to 1 sets the default destination in reports to Excel instead of PDF/Printer.
  26. $def_print_orientation = 0;
    • Setting this variable to 1 sets the default orientation in reports to Landscape instead of Portrait.
  27. $old_style_help = 0;
    • If your help wiki uses translated page titles set to 1. It is used only in includes/page/
    • This setting is depreciated and subject to removal in future FA versions
  28. $help_base_url = null;
  29. $comp_path = $path_to_root.'/company';
    • Per user data/cache directory. Don't touch this.
  30. $accounts_alpha = 0;
    • Allow alpha characters in accounts. 0 = only numeric, 1 = alpha numeric, 2 = uppercase alpha numeric
  31. $date_system = 0;
    • Date systems. 0 = traditional, 1 = Jalali used by Iran and neighbour countries, Afghanistan and some other Central / South East Asian nations, 2 = Islamic used by other arabic nations. 3 = traditional, but where non-workday is Friday and start of week is Saturday.
  32. $loc_notification = 0;
    • If this variable is 1 emails stock location if order below reorder-level. Remember to set an email on the Location(s).
  33. $print_invoice_no = 0;
    • Setting this variable to 1 prints our internal numbers on the documents. If this variable is 0 prints our reference numbers on the documents instead. This is very handy if you have a letter/number combination in your references.
  34. $alternative_tax_include_on_docs = 0;
    • Setting this variable to 1 will print sub total before tax and then the traditional values, instead of text line.
  35. $suppress_tax_rates = 0;
    • Setting this variable to 1 will suppress the tax rates. Put tax rates in Tax Type Name instead. Useful for tax on tax.
  36. $dateformats = array("MMDDYYYY", "DDMMYYYY", "YYYYMMDD","MmmDDYYYY", "DDMmmYYYY", "YYYYMmmDD");
    • Don't touch this. This is our options for date presentation.
  37. $dateseps = array("/", ".", "-", " ");
    • These are the most common date separators. Be careful if you change these. It might give side-effects.
  38. $thoseps = array(",", ".", " ");
    • Don't touch this. These are our options for thousand separators
  39. $decseps = array(".", ",");
    • Don't touch this. These are our options for decimal separators
  40. $dflt_date_fmt = 0;
    • Don't touch this. Defalt dateformat index used before user login
  41. $dflt_date_sep = 0;
    • Don't touch this. Defalt date separator used before user login
  42. $pagesizes = array("Letter", "A4");
    • Default PDF pagesize. If you need more/other, please look inside file tcpdf.php in /reporting/includes folder.
  43. $check_qty_charged_vs_del_qty = true;
    • Accounts Payable. System check to see if quantity charged on purchase invoices exceeds the quantity received. If this parameter is checked the proportion by which the purchase invoice is an overcharge is referred to before reporting an error. This threshold proportion margin is set in SysPrefs table as po_over_receive.
  44. $check_price_charged_vs_order_price = True;
    • System check to see if price charged on purchase invoices exceeds the purchase order price. If this parameter is checked the proportion by which the purchase invoice is an overcharge referred to before reporting an error. This threshold proportion margin is set in SysPrefs table as po_over_charge.
  45. $config_allocation_settled_allowance = 0.005;
    • Difference to allow fully allocations.
  46. $use_costed_values = 1;
    • Show average costed values instead of fixed standard cost in report, Inventory Valuation Report - See Forum Posts 1 and 2.
  47. $allow_negative_prices = 1;
    • Allow negative prices for dummy/service items. To be moved to GL db settings
  48. $show_menu_category_icons = 0;
    • Show menu category icons in core themes
  49. $allow_demo_mode = false;
    • Setting this to true will pre-print the demouser and password parameters. Only use this is you are planning a demo system.
  50. $allow_password_reset = false;
    • Whether to allow sending new password by e-mail
  51. $print_item_images_on_quote = 0;
    • Print Item Images on Sales Quotations. Set to 1 if so.
  52. $pic_width = 80;
    • Uploaded Item Picture width in pixels.
  53. $pic_height = 50;
    • Uploaded Item Picture height in pixels.
  54. $max_image_size = 500;
    • Max size in KB for uploaded Item Picture.
  55. $graph_skin = 1;
    • Skin for Business Graphics. 1 = Office, 2 = Matrix, or 3 = Spring. Pallete skin attributes set in reporting/includes/
  56. $UTF8_fontfile = "FreeSans.ttf";
    • UTF-8 font for Business Graphics. Copy it to /reporting/fonts/ folder. Get it from the GNU FreeFont Archives.
  57. if(isset($_SESSION["wa_current_user"])) {
    define("BACKUP_PATH", $comp_path.'/'.user_company()."/backup/");
    • Internal variable. Don't touch.
  58. $js_path = $path_to_root.'/js/';
  59. $js_static = array('JsHttpRequest.js', 'behaviour.js', 'utils.js', 'inserts.js');
  60. $js_lib = $js_userlib = array();
    • Internal JavaScript variables. Don't touch.
    • Variables available since v2.3.12 (Backward compatible if absent)
  61. $text_company_selection = false;
    • Privacy Login Mode - display text edit box for Company if true.
  62. $hide_inaccessible_menu_items = 0;
    • Hide if true, else greyed out
  63. $login_delay = 30; // 0 to disable (only for trusted intranet)
  64. $login_max_attempts = 10;
  65. $xr_providers = array("ECB", "YAHOO", "GOOGLE", "BLOOMBERG");
    • Don't touch this. This is our options for Exchange Rate Providers.
  66. $dflt_xr_provider = 0;
    • Default Exchange Rate Provider set to ECB for backwards compatibility.
    • Variables available since FA v2.3.17 (Backward compatible if absent)
  67. $xr_provider_authoritative = false;
    • Set to true when remote service is authoritative source of exchange rates, and can be stored automatically without manual edition. Otherwise exrate is stored on first new currency transaction of the day.
  68. $sort_sales_items = false;
    • Optional sorting sales documents lines during edition according to item code
  69. $clear_trial_balance_opening = false;
    • Trial Balance opening balance presentation option. When set to true, past years part of opening balance is cleared.