
  • All settings pertaining to a sepcific company are stored in it's database in the sys_prefs table.
  • There are no hyphens ("-") in the settings names here, only underscores ("_").
  • FrontAccounting settings parameters that are company specific are generally provided in the Chart of Accounts used with most degrading gracefully to sane defaults.
  • When preparing a new Chart of Accounts, match the values for these settings to the actual account codes in it.

Company Specific Settings - FA 2.4.x

The following are taken from the en_US-demo.sql Standard Demo Chart of Accounts:

  1. accounts_alpha - (0)
    • Allow alpha characters in accounts. 0 = only numeric, 1 = alpha numeric, 2 = uppercase alpha numeric
  2. accumulate_shipping - (0)
  3. add_pct - (-1)
  4. allow_negative_prices - (1)
    • Allow negative prices for dummy/service items.
    • To be moved to GL db settings
  5. allow_negative_stock - (0)
  6. alternative_tax_include_on_docs
    • Setting this variable to 1 will print sub total before tax and then the traditional values, instead of text line.
  7. auto_curr_reval - (1)
  8. bank_charge_act - (5690)
  9. barcodes_on_stock - (1)
  10. base_sales - (1)
  11. bcc_email
  12. company_logo_report
    • Boolean flag if 1, enables printing logo in reports
  13. coy_logo - (logo_frontaccounting.jpg)
    • Optional Company Logo to appear on the screens
  14. coy_name - (Training Co)
    • Name of the Company
  15. coy_no
    • Optional Company Registration Number - Country and Company Type specific
  16. creditors_act - (2100)
  17. curr_default - (USD)
    • Default Currency for the Company
  18. debtors_act - (1200)
  19. default_adj_act - (5040)
  20. default_cogs_act - (5010)
  21. default_credit_limit - (1000)
  22. default_delivery_required - (1)
  23. default_dim_required - (20)
  24. default_inv_sales_act - (4010)
  25. default_inventory_act - (1510)
  26. default_loss_on_asset_disposal_act - (5660)
  27. default_prompt_payment_act - (4500)
  28. default_quote_valid_days - (30)
  29. default_receival_required - (10)
  30. default_sales_act - (4010)
  31. default_sales_discount_act - (4510)
  32. default_wip_act - (1530)
  33. default_workorder_required - (20)
  34. deferred_income_act
  35. depreciation_period - (1)
  36. domicile
  37. email - (
  38. exchange_diff_act - (4450)
  39. f_year - (2)
  40. fax
  41. freight_act - (4430)
  42. gl_closing_date
  43. grn_clearing_act - (1550)
  44. gst_no - (33445566)
    • VAT/GST/Tax registration number - Country / State / Region specific
  45. legal_text
  46. loc_notification - (0)
    • If this variable is 1 emails stock location if order below reorder-level.
    • Remember to set an email on the Location(s).
  47. login_tout - (28800)
  48. no_customer_list
  49. no_item_list
  50. no_supplier_list
  51. no_zero_lines_amount - (1)
    • Do not print zero lines amount of 0.00 in Sales Documents if service item. 1 = do not
  52. past_due_days - (30)
  53. phone
  54. po_over_charge - (10)
  55. po_over_receive - (10)
  56. postal_address - (N/A)
  57. print_invoice_no - (0)
    • Setting this variable to 1 prints our internal numbers on the documents.
    • If this variable is 0 prints our reference numbers on the documents instead.
    • This is very handy if you have a letter/number combination in your references.
  58. print_item_images_on_quote - (0)
    • Boolean flag if 1, prints Item Images on Sales Quotations
  59. profit_loss_year_act - (9990)
  60. pyt_discount_act - (5060)
  61. ref_no_auto_increase - (0)
  62. retained_earnings_act - (3590)
  63. round_to - (1)
  64. shortname_name_in_list
  65. show_po_item_codes - (0)
    • Show item codes on purchase order
  66. suppress_tax_rates
    • Setting this variable to 1 will suppress the tax rates.
    • Put tax rates in Tax Type Name instead.
    • Useful for tax on tax.
  67. tax_algorithm - (1)
  68. tax_last - (1)
  69. tax_prd - (1)
  70. time_zone
  71. use_dimension - (1)
  72. use_fixed_assets - (1)
    • Boolean flag if 1, enables the Fixed Assets Module
  73. use_manufacturing - (1)
    • Boolean flag if 1, enables the Manufacturing Module
  74. version_id - (2.4.1)
    • The Database Version on latest install / upgrade should value in version.php

SQL used

The sql used to extract the above settings and their defaults (in brackets) is:

, `name`
, "'''"
, IF(`value` = ''
    , ""
    , CONCAT(" - (''",`value`,"'')")
) AS company_settings FROM 1_sys_prefs ORDER BY `name`;