Warning flooding in error_log (2.1.5)

Posted by Joe (joe) on Sep 14 2009
News from the Editor >> Program

If you get a huge warning flood in your error_log file in 2.1.X, you can eliminate it by changing the following line in /includes/errors.inc:

Line 30: Change the line


else if($errno&~E_NOTICE)// log all not displayed messages




E_USER_NOTICE))// log all not displayed messages


This will eliminate all the warnings and minimize the error_log. If you don't want the user defined warnings and errors, you can eliminate the 3 last constants, E_USER_WARNING, E_USER_ERROR and E_USER_NOTICE.

These problems have been eliminated in release 2.2. The code has been rewritten to take care of all these warnings. These warnings are typical for PHP 5.2.

Last changed: Sep 15 2009 at 3:16 am


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