Release 2.2.8.

Posted by Joe (joe) on Apr 18 2010
News from the Editor >> Program

A new minor release, 2.2.8, is available for download at

New features

  • Print reference on email (PO)
  • Print full Location name on reports
  • Inactive items should not show in Price List Report
  • Stamped (Inactive) items in inventory reports 

Bugs fixed in 2.2.8

  • Text(Col)WrapLines bug fixed.
  • Missing 'Set Global Supplier' in supplier invoice fixed.
  • Missing check for supplier selected (0000217)
  • Missing check for customer/branch selected (0000216)
  • Wrong text in document deliver to (0000215)
  • Incorrect behavior regarding Payment forms
  • Systypes_list_row fixed
  • Creating a new company without a database script causes unpredictable errors.
  • Checking that a reference is unique before saving documents.

Final instructions

If you are updating from an earlier 2.X.X installation, please check roles setup,
as due to bug just fixed they may need corrections for work order bulk reports and
tax groups. Also follow the instruction in update.html file.

If this is a new installation, please follow the instructions in install.html file.

Last changed: Feb 17 2020 at 7:08 pm


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