Release 2.1.0 beta

Posted by Joe (joe) on Feb 04 2009
News from the Editor >> Program

Release 2.1.0 beta now available on for download.

News in FrontAccounting 2.1 Beta

  • Better support for upgrading database changes from early release
  • Accelerator keys in menues
  • Grouping listboxes where appropriate
  • Sortable database paging in inquiries with many records
  • Better layout in long forms (now double sided).
  • Preparing for install of menu extensions (not modules)
  • Document files in doc subdirectory
  • An inactive field in most 'catalog' tables to prepare for making records inactive.
  • Option for graphic links instead of text links in tables.
  • Changed license type to GNU Affero GPL v.3. Stamped in all source files.


  • Sales documents. Line descriptions can be edited and printing of documents handles multiple line of descriptions.
  •  Point of Sales definitions for better handling of cash sales
  • Sales Groups for grouping customers.
  • Recurrent Invoices
  • Dimensions can be selected on sales delivery and invoices.
  • Accumulating of shipping costs and legal text on invoices
  • New printed document layout


  • New fields in suppliers: phone, fax, tax id, contact and credit limit
  • Supplier credit notes show only invoices for a period
  • 'Credit this' link in supplier inquiry
  • Attachment of scanned documents

Items and Inventory

  • Item Kit Sets for order/sales speed up
  • Foreign Codes registration for barcode scanner entry.

Banking and General Ledger

  • Bank accounts reconciliation
  • Dimension view now shows balances instead of transactions
  • Quick Entries (preset GL transactions) in Bank Deposit/Payment, Journal Entry and Supplier invoice/credit
  • Rewritten tax report and tax inquiry.

Bugs fixed in this release

  • All bugs up to release 2.0.7 are fixed in this release too.
  • [0000097] Can't void freehand customer credit note.
  • [0000098] Unable issue of credit note for invoice with removed item lines.
  • [0000099] New line added to inventory transfer/adjustment sometimes overwrites old one.
  • [0000100] Keep getting left allocated weird results (rounding problems).
  • [0000102] Credit note was stored without entered shippment cost and comment.
  • [0000104] minor language updates in a few sales files
  • Numeric check on class id added.
  • [0000111] Accounts on Credit Hold can still process delivery notes on sales order and invoicing.
  • [0000112] It shows invoices as overdue still (in red), even though its been payed and allocated.

Last changed: Feb 17 2020 at 7:24 pm


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