
(8 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Wikiied it.


(5 replies, posted in Installation)

Maybe the specific IIS install uses Basic Auth by default and needs to be turned off. Thanks Janusz.


(4 replies, posted in Installation)

It is actually on the "not-safe side" unless we try to delete a non existant folder which is covered by the "if" check.

The said library file has been used in numerous open source projects and not even in one of them is it commented out.

Some projects it is in use are:

Wikiied as a prequisite for installation.


(16 replies, posted in Setup)

Which version are you using?

Try the latest Mercurial v2.3.13 Build 3122 attached.


(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

In the file admin/inst_module.php, shouldn't the line 116

        $is_mod = $ext['type'] == 'module';


        $is_mod = $ext['type'] == 'extension';

Better still, have the line removed as the $is_mod variable is not used anywhere at all.

In the file includes/ui/ui_lists.inc, shouldn't the line 2213

        if ($ext['type'] == 'module' && !$ext['active'])
            $tabs[$ext['tab']] = access_string($ext['title'], true);


        if ($ext['type'] == 'extension' && !$ext['active'])
            $tabs[$ext['tab']] = access_string($ext['title'], true);

Also the subsequent line refers to the $ext['tab'] variable coming from $installed_extensions array that has been commented out in includes/packages.inc file in lines 128, 494, 671-672.

On a similar note, consequent to the gross changes in the extensions / plugins system in FA v2.3+, the file sql/alter2.3.php has the line 297 as part of a commented out block.

check apache error logs for issues and hints to where typos may exist.


(4 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)


Unless you are up to programming PHP it is better to go with supported programs like AntERP - @tclim has provided several plugins, contributed enough code and is knowledgeable in FA - you are likely to find his products fit in well with FA. Likewise other SOAP proponents too can provide support and LogicWorks can tailor it for FA being a fork, though does not say so online.


(11 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

FA uses the PHP mail() function to send mail.

There are other mature libraries like PHPMailer that have a host of options including SMTP relaying enabling you to use hotmail / gmail / yahoo mail to send out your emails but you need to patch them in or create a module for it.

Please read the PHP mail() function and the comments there in to configure your Windows box to relay mail.

When using the PHP mail() function with IIS 6 on Windows Server 2003, check your "Relay" settings on the SMTP Virtual Server in IIS.  If you grant access to and set then set your php.ini SMTP to the same IP address (along with setting the same port 25), you should have success in sending mail.

Allocations appears on both sides of the website's first 2 column feature list summary.


(4 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Commercial applications that interface with FrontAccounting are AntErp and Logicworks CounterLogic.

Roll your own using any of the Restful APIs - check out the SipleAPI Module and others on the Wiki and / or contact Support.


(5 replies, posted in Installation)

Ref - MS KB and Troubleshooting IIS.

Check if the .htaccess file is being used or set it's equivalent in the IIS so that Basic Authentication error will go off.

Installed the Debian Archiver using apt-get install binutils. This makes the ar binary available.

Installed the Sales Summary Report Extension from the default Repo and made corrections to the files in modules/rep_sales_summary. Now try to re-package it after setting the correct sha1sums.

The following does not produce FA compatible pkg from the above already installed one:

cd /var/www/frontac/modules/rep_sales_summary
ar rcs ../rep_sales_summary-2.3.3-1.pkg  \
       ../_cache/rep_sales_summary-2.3.3-1/_init/config \
       ../_cache/rep_sales_summary-2.3.3-1/_init/files \
       index.php \
       reporting/index.php \
       reporting/rep_sales_summary.php \

Alternatively, a custom javascript file to change the contents of the Item Code field alone after it has been rendered - a sort of document onload and/or onclick function. The real Item codes can remail Item01-abc, Item01-def, etc.


(13 replies, posted in Wish List)

Hope this issue has not been forgotton - a decision to be taken and it's implementation - atleast for the anticipated Christmas / New Year Release of v2.3.14 smile

Wikiied it.

It would be better to create a separate plugin for it - that way you will be able to upgrade painlessly. Alternatively, look at the SimpleAPI for FA and build a form that posts directly into the FA db tables.

The plugin system (modified Debian Repo) and the API for the repo are not public - they need to be culled out from the includes folder's files: archive,inc, packages.inc and main.inc besides the hooks files and their classes.

You have modified - sales/view/view_invoice.php and sales/includes/ui/sales_order_ui.inc - changing only the heading lines at lines 113-114 (line 107 has the SQL and details content in lines 137-143)  in the former and lines 144-146 in the latter . The content comes from sales/includes/db/sales_order_db.inc and is processed in sales/includes/db/sales_invoice_db.inc.


(4 replies, posted in Installation)

In the file includes/packages.inc, why was line 29 commented out?

class package extends gzip_file {
    function package($filename, $basedir=null)
        global $path_to_root;

        if (!$basedir) {
            $basedir = PKG_CACHE_PATH.'/'.substr(basename($filename), 0, -4);
            if (file_exists($basedir)) {
//                flush_dir($basedir, true); 
            } else


(6 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Wiki stands updated. Thanks elax.


(11 replies, posted in Setup)

The original FA requisitions-2.3.3-7.pkg is at:

Made corrections (as detailed in the forum post) to the extension and bundled it as a normal tar file - just add the modified debian sauce and place it for download at the repo.frontaccounting.eu site.

The corrections are in the hooks.php, sql/update.sql and _init/config files.
It still cannot work properly - anyone got it to work?

What should the installed_extensions array be for such a module?

Great Joe, thanks!

If the file installed_extensions.php does not exist, why not hard code it's content into the script? And if the content needs to be written and saved and the file is still missing, then it can be created!

Alternatively, just create it if it is missing - with some acceptable default content - and then read it back into the current script!

Thanks Joe, maybe an "@" should do it!.


(11 replies, posted in Setup)

You will find it all in a folder called _cache in the modules folder.

Take a backup before closing the year and temporarily restore it to do such dancing outside of standard code, or code in some custom stuff and present it to the code base.

Use Quick Entry and then provide a Ledger listing for the subset of entries for the Invoice