empty.po File Locations and Info
The English ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1) strings that are the default in FrontAccounting, are parsed using gettext and are available at:
- Application Strings - WEBROOT/lang/new_language_template/LC_MESSAGES/empty.po
- Installer Strings - WEBROOT/install/lang/new_language_template/LC_MESSAGES/empty.po
- Both files are normal text files with linux line endings (0x0A)
- gettext and FrontAccounting - GettextFA.sh Δ
Updating the empty.po files
#!/bin/bash mkdir -p /tmp/fagettext cd /tmp/fagettext FAVERSION="2.3.14" FRONTACFILE=frontaccounting-$FAVERSION.tar.gz wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/frontaccounting/files/FrontAccounting-2.3/$FAVERSION/$FRONTACFILE tar -xzf $FRONTACFILE rm -f $FRONTACFILE MAINDIR=`pwd`/frontaccounting cd $MAINDIR # Generate the main empty.po file TPL=lang/new_language_template/LC_MESSAGES/empty GTEXEC="xgettext -d empty --language=PHP --from-code=ISO-8859-1 \ -p $MAINDIR/lang/new_language_template/LC_MESSAGES " # Backup the old main empty.po mv $MAINDIR/$TPL.po $MAINDIR/$TPL.po.org # Generate main header as well $GTEXEC -k_ -n *.php # set the charset sed -i 's/charset=CHARSET/charset=ISO-8859-1/g' $MAINDIR/$TPL.po mv install .. $GTEXEC -k_ -n -j */*.php $GTEXEC -k_ -n -j */*/*.php $GTEXEC -k_ -n -j */*/*/*.php $GTEXEC -k_ -n -j */*.inc $GTEXEC -k_ -n -j */*/*.inc $GTEXEC -k_ -n -j */*/*/*.inc mv ../install . # Generate the install empty.po file ITPL=install/lang/new_language_template/LC_MESSAGES/empty GTEXEC="xgettext -d empty --language=PHP --from-code=ISO-8859-1 \ -p $MAINDIR/install/lang/new_language_template/LC_MESSAGES " # Backup the old install empty.po mv $MAINDIR/$ITPL.po $MAINDIR/$ITPL.po.org # Generate install header as well $GTEXEC -k_ -n install/*.php # set the charset sed -i 's/charset=CHARSET/charset=ISO-8859-1/g' $MAINDIR/$ITPL.po $GTEXEC -k_ -n -j install/*.inc $GTEXEC -k_ -n -j includes/system_tests.inc $GTEXEC -k_ -n -j includes/packages.inc cd $MAINDIR tar -czf ../../fac_empty_po.tar.gz $TPL.po $ITPL.po cd ../.. rm -rf fagettext echo "fac_empty_po.tar.gz created"
Translation to another language
During translation to any other language, make a copy of the empty.po file as the target language file, ie., example for Polish language:
LANG=pl_PL MAINVER=0 MAINDIR=`pwd`/ ## Creating the main .mo file LANGDIR=$MAINDIR/lang/$LANG/LC_MESSAGES TPL=lang/new_language_template/LC_MESSAGES/empty cp $TPL.po $LANGDIR/$LANG.po ## Edit the charset (ISO-8859-2) and strings and compile the .po file to .mo file using msgfmt ## Creating the install .mo file LANGDIR=$MAINDIR/install/lang/$LANG/LC_MESSAGES TPL=install/lang/new_language_template/LC_MESSAGES/empty cp $TPL.po $LANGDIR/$LANG.po ## Edit the charset and strings and compile the .po file to .mo file using msgfmt
Poedit on WinXP
- Place your mylang.po file in the folder: C:\Program Files\Poedit\bin
- Start -> Run -> cmd
- cd C:\Program Files\Poedit\bin* msgfmt mylang.po
- Take the mylang.mo file from the same folder.
- Poedit - SF project is cross-platform gettext catalogs (PO files) editor (Beware of 70 character limitation)
- Better Poeditor used to generate compiled gettext .mo files.
- Multi Po-edit is a Java swing .po file editor that displays comments, ids, and translations in a JTable. Multiple files can be compared and IDs can be looked up to see what files will be affected by the change.
- Massively Parallel PO Editor for editing multiple language files in parallel. Corresponding translations are automatically highlighted in order to aid reviewing against multiple sources.