Topic: Upgrade from 2.3.13 to 2.3.14


Can somebody tell me how to apply run patch file to upgrade from 2.3.13 to 2.3.14


2 (edited by apmuthu 01/29/2013 02:34:34 am)

Re: Upgrade from 2.3.13 to 2.3.14

Please see Post 6 of the Release Announcement and take the diff files set from there. Just overwrite your existing ones. No DB Changes.

Incorporate new variables and new options for existing variables from the config.default.php into your existing config.php with appropriate values.

Check for any new entries in the #_sys_prefs table in the en_US-new.sql file compared with your existing db being used and add them in.

Re: Upgrade from 2.3.13 to 2.3.14


What do I do with install folder?


4 (edited by apmuthu 01/30/2013 02:19:45 pm)

Re: Upgrade from 2.3.13 to 2.3.14

Just zip it up and archive it. Remove the install folder as there is no install needed.

If you used the file diffs then there would be no install folder.