Topic: Hard coded items unable to translate

I will post here the words/sentences which are hardcoded and so unable to translate:

Screen backup:    "File uploaded to backup directory"

Re: Hard coded items unable to translate

Fixed. HG repository updated. A new empty.po will have to wait until next minor.


Re: Hard coded items unable to translate

If you are in a hurry, then make your own empty.po files from the latest FA repo code and grab the script from the Wki.

Re: Hard coded items unable to translate

Another line, unable to translate.....

when changing a bank deposit entry after submitting appears:

Deposit XXX has been modified

Re: Hard coded items unable to translate

Which release do you refer to?

I have this gettextized in /gl/gl_bank.php, line 122:

       display_notification_centered(_("Deposit $trans_no has been modified"));


Re: Hard coded items unable to translate

latest version 2.3.14....

But i see now the original text for this item is not in the default PO file and therefore it's unable to translate it

Re: Hard coded items unable to translate

In the same file gl/gl_bank.php line 73 with the same variable $trans_no is coded as:

       display_notification_centered(sprintf(_("Payment %d has been entered"), $trans_no));

whereas line 122 is coded as:

       display_notification_centered(_("Deposit $trans_no has been modified"));

Line 122 should hence be coded as

       display_notification_centered(sprintf(_("Deposit %d has been modified"), $trans_no));

Re: Hard coded items unable to translate

Thanks Joe - HG 3166/3167 fixes it.