
(2 replies, posted in Setup)

Some site wide administration options are available only for admin of first installed company. This admin is considered as site admin.



(2 replies, posted in Translations)

All those are notices which can be safely ignored (they are not related to locales and specific to newer php versions). The reason of lack of Bosnian messages is probably lack of locales you have declared installing language file on your system.



(4 replies, posted in Wish List)

I'm not sure I understand the problem. In Tax Groups you should have one of the groups marked as used for shipping. If none of your  standard group is suitable you can create one more special tax group for this with only those tax rates you need, so where is the problem?

The edition option will be available only for some types of documents, but still not all.
We want to release beta version of 2.2 late September.


(4 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Keep in mind access system is subject to hue changes in release 2.2 which will be available nearly. From 2.2.0 personal roles wll be fine editable and stored in database.


(3 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

I have received the patch. Thanks.
Often suppliers selling huge quantities of low value items use pricing per some bigger unit such hundred or thousand pcs. This eliminate need for bigger precision on invoices. In your example it would be selling of 2 hdrpcs 12.33 pound each. If this is your situation, this is supported by defining supplier units on Purchasing Pricing page.


Currently 'our reference' field on invoices is used for name of salesman. In fact sales order does not have entry field for reference at all. I think this is one of those small things which should be changed, but there is always too little time to do it.

What is the problem with direct sales refs?


(8 replies, posted in Setup)

I will consult this with Joe, why not.



(8 replies, posted in Setup)

If you want to order account list by account group id apply following changes to gl_all_accounts_list() function code:

diff -r1.23 ui_lists.inc
<         $sql = "SELECT chart.account_code, chart.account_name, type.name
>         $sql = "SELECT chart.account_code, chart.account_name, type.name, type.id
<         $sql = "SELECT chart.account_code, chart.account_name, type.name
>         $sql = "SELECT chart.account_code, chart.account_name, type.name, type.id
<         'order' => array('name','account_code'),
>         'order' => array('type.id','account_code'),

That's all folks wink.

This have to be php  5.3 specific warning. Changing first line in save.php to
error_reporting(E_ALL^E_WARNING)  should help.



(3 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Yes, of course. please send me the changes as diff to original version, or simply all the affected files. I will do my best to integrate it in FA 2.2.


This is option when printing Sales Orders from Customer and Sales Reports.

Currently the only way to create quote is to entry sales order and print it as quotation. There is some chance to implement full quotes functionality in FA 2.2 which probably will be released in September.


(8 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

the-moog wrote:

I think there is a problem with the symantics of purchase tax.

The problem is that items have a tax type, this is OK, but means that you can then only purchase that item from a certain supplier as other suppliers may have a different tax arrangement as they may be in a different state or country.

The tax system is somewhat complex, but flexible and proven. It was explained some times on the forum (e.g. here).
Basically the tax calculated is selected as intersection of set of taxes applicable to item and set of taxes applicable to customer/supplier. For instance hypothetical VAT system with 2 rates in internal trade and and special single 1% export tax will have following settings:

. Tax Types defined: VAT 19%, VAT 5% and Export tax  1%
. Some items with Item Tax Type 'Regular' - 19%VAT and 1%export tax (%5VAT exempt)
. Some items with Item Tax Type 'Preferenced' - 5%VAT and 1% export tax (19%VAT exempt)
. Tax Group 'VAT' - includes  types 19%VAT and 5%VAT
. Tax Group 'Export' -  1% export tax

Now, if you sell preferenced goods with lower VAT rate (say food) for domestic customers the result VAT is 5%:
   [5%VAT, 1%Exp] X [5%VAT, 19%VAT] => 5%VAT
For items taxed with regular rate:
   [19%VAT, 1%Exp] X [5%VAT, 19%VAT] => 19%VAT
If you sell regular goods with regular VAT rate to foreign customer the result tax is always 1%:
   [19%VAT, 1%Exp] X [1%Exp] => 1%Exp
   [5%VAT, 1%Exp] X [1%Exp] => 1%Exp

So as you see it works for any customer/supplier/items tax arrangements, providing correct tax setup and this is a reason why the bug report 155 was closed without changes. Maybe this is not straight forward, but it works right for most local tax systems. Surely it needs better documentation than posts on forum smile.


PS The same tax calculations are made for purchases. Let's set Quick Entries aside for later discussion as this is new feature which still varies.


(1 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Sales type is alternative name for price list. The price in price list can be given as price including tax (tax included) or without tax (tax is anyway stated on the invoice, although in somewhat another form.)

Well, looks interesting although it seems to be rather  a set of hints to FA configuration according to conventions used in your region than general contextual help. Anyway if you would like to describe some significant part of FA functionality, it would be worth of effort to pack and distribute your work as standalone howto document helpfull for other users from your region.

Try to set $go_debug=1 in config.php. This should produce some additional error messages.


(4 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Direct invoice issue is complex process which involves a lot of tables. In fact this is shortcut procedure which internally involves generation of sales order, delivery note, and sales invoice. Generation of this documents in turn includes a lot of side operations like changes in inventory, registration of changes on cash/bank account, taxes registration, allocation of cash payment to generated invoice etc,etc. Implementing all this operations by writing directly to MySQL db tables does not make sense - this is equal to writing most sales module functonality once again.

The only sensible way I see to entry data from other source (e.g. external POS) is to fill all needed data in new  object of type cart (see cart_class.inc) and call to class write method. If all data are properly prepared (proper item codes, proper customer and branch, right level of items in selected inventory for all invoice lines etc) the function will return true.

But if you really want to know what is written to what tables during direct invoice entry you can find all underlying sql queries by going down in calling hierarchy starting from this write() class method in cart class definition. Calls to db writing procedures you will find at the end of the method code. I do not have list of all involved tables ready, so I cannot past it here. I think finding all this stuff can take some one hour, sorry.


Well, frankly speaking this is NOT right setup if you want to use wiki as interactive contextual help. Changing the help_base_url as described above Help.Help wiki page is always displayed regardless of current screen content.
Regarding wysiwyg editor I doubt there is any available, but you can try to find something  on pmwiki home site.


The wiki module is only skeleton with no content. After install you should have wiki interface available at right top corner on every page, but content describing every individual page you have to entry yourself. So far there was no volunteer to fulfill the need for complete FA help system, so you can be the first one smile.



We are always open for discussion about future directions of FA development. We always want to find solutions satisfactory for most FA users, and we are open for real arguments. Sorry, but the argument that the old way of classification of GL accounts is better than the new one because it comply with way of thinking of most accountants in your country is NO argument. We do not introduce the new classification to satisfy some guy from yet another country, but just because the new classification is more fine grained than the old one giving us more flexibility in the future.

I can agree that the moment of introducing the changes was not the best one. The bugfix releases should not demand manual changes in GL setup after the source upgrade, but the changes would appear in 2.2 release anyway. Rest of your arguments are very alike the ones infotechaccountants has used opting for IAS compatibility.

Anyway we really appreciate your declaration of development support to find the best solution satisfactory for all. You are welcome to present your ideas  how to achieve this goal.



(13 replies, posted in Setup)

You can simply check how it works on demo server. Please find some any sales order you want to send by email, then enter your own e-mail address temporarily in customer branch record related to selected SO, than select email report. Ina moment you will have the report in your mail box. Don't forget to clean up the email field in customer branch after the test or you will be suffered by unsolicited email from time to time wink.


(13 replies, posted in Setup)

FrontAccounting mailing feature depends on php mail() function. This function is not configurable on interpreter nor script level, so any issues have to be tracked on target  system. Please consult php manual and your system documentation.



(2 replies, posted in Installation)

In latest stable version you can also switch on error logging to file.