
(5 replies, posted in Wish List)

It would be good to stay with old version, if possible. Even version currently integrated with FA has enormous size, but TCPDF 4.8 dangerously approaches  madness border - this is over 500k file! Over half a megabyte of code which is mostly not used in simple reports, but must be always included  hmm.
Just my 3p.


(11 replies, posted in Installation)

Thank you very much Mario. We know PHP  5.3.0 is still buggy, but we have done our best to support it in next 2.2 version.


(11 replies, posted in Setup)

Well, you have file config.php in main directory where FrontAccounting php files are installed. Open the file with any text editor and change the line where you find :
That's all.


(6 replies, posted in Installation)

The easiest way to start with fresh new database is to copy en_US-new.sql filefrom sql forlder to company/0//backup, and perform database restoring it on Setup/Backup and Restore page.


(5 replies, posted in Setup)

Look into access/login.php. Here you can change user interface elements. BTW this is one of a couple of old files using mostly HTML with small php inclusions.



(4 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

I had only short look into Tom's code, but all seems right to me. The import module does not write anything to database, but only read transactions from file and pass control to respective journal/deposit/payment page, so all checks and writes are done by related core code.
For small amount of transactions to be processed in one shot this is really the best implementation, I think . Good work Tom smile.



(1 replies, posted in Setup)

Probably your just defined item has  type Manufactured or Service. Only purchasable items can have foreign code assigned.


(38 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Coding skills are of course necessary to finally integrate any two different pieces of software, but it is long way before anything have to be coded. Most time on integration is spent on designing exact way how the two programs will cooperate. Is it really integration, or database synchronization? Both FA and Vtiger has overlapped some functionality e.g. sales orders, sales invoices, so which one should be used to record this documents? If the choice is Vtiger - what about inventory control? etc,etc..
All this can be done without writing one line of php code, but it is very time consuming and require some database structure recognizing skills. I fully agree that some kind of integration of superb Vtiger CRM would be very usefull, and probably this is the best CRM candidate for it.
But  I'm affraid FA development team is too small to  turn all FA community wishes into new features. There is still a lot of basic accounting software features not implemented in  FA, or simply buggy. We can promis knowhow help on FA side for anyone who want to take over Vtiger-FA integration, but we cannot do it ourself. We want to focus on turning FA into flexible, bulletproof accounting application in some visible future.



(4 replies, posted in Translations)

Storing strings using different encodings in single mysql database is complex problem. We will have to think more about this in the future.


(7 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

You can set 'Show hints for new users' under Preferences to see some hints about user interface e.g. special keys like F4 usage. In next FA version legend about special keys will be displayed in bottom bar.

There were some assumptions made during FA design about target audience so not all usable options are included in the code. For example assumption was made that that purchase prices are always stated  excluding VAT/GST, as usually in B2B sales. This is alway trade off between software versatility and speed of data entry, so we try to minimalize number of controls in entry forms. Of course if you need the option here you can customize the code for yourself.

Regarding signature images there should be no problem here. Please look into header2.inc file to find how company logo image is included in reports header.


(7 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

1. You can add new supplier during PO entry using F4 key to call suppliers table editor. This is active on PO entry page when focus is set on supplier selector.
2. I'm not sure what you want to achieve. There is currently 'departments'  support in FA, but if the only purpose is tagging the PO you can entry any description in memo field.
3. You can add to PO only those items you have defined in FA, so there is selector for them instead of text box. Again you can add new item to items table during PO entry by pressing F4 while focus is on item selector.
4. No way for random entry of tax rates. When you pay taxes you know the tax rate is constant for any good. The eventual tax exemptions related to  customer (like tax exempt in export) is implemented by various tax groups/item tax types  in FA.
5. Do you mean electronic signing of pdf file, or simply adding signature image to result pdf?
6.I'm not sure what functionality you mean as 'department', but maybe using multiply inventory locations would be enough?


Hello Tom,
I think this is good information for a lot of FA users over there smile. I will contact you by email.


(4 replies, posted in Translations)

Seems to be good idea, but too big to implement before 2.2 release, I'm affraid.


(1 replies, posted in Dimensions)

Yes,  I think so. Maybe before 2.2 release.


(1 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

I think those expenses can be entered via Bank Payments using dimension related to the project and optionally using quick entry definitions for convenience.

I think this behaviour can be considered as minor bug if entry of negative amounts is allowed. But I'm not sure if negative amounts should be forbidden here or not.

Well, the user/password data in config_db is used internally to access mysql database where FA data are stored. To login into admin account on new installed FA you have to use the password you have entered during installation.


(10 replies, posted in Announcements)

Thanks Pete. Joe will put your new COA version ASAP.


(11 replies, posted in Installation)

Seems you have some bad settings in config_db.php (probably mysql user/password set).


(10 replies, posted in Announcements)

Nice to hear from  you again. We are currently at the end of development process for FA 2.2, and recently released version 2.1.5 seems to be the last one in 2.1 series. The change described above was not implemented yet, so I think you could work directly on development 2.2 version which can be downloaded from unstable CVS branch. If we would decide to release 2.1.6 anyway this should be strictly bugfix release.

Regarding supported php versions I personally use php4.3 with some random tests on php 5.1, Joe works entirely on some 5.x release. Joe is currently out of office, but will be available at the fall of week.


Yes, you can  copy tree of directories from company/0/ to company/1. The tree should be created during company add, but probably company folder was not writable for www server.


Can't reproduce this issue. There should be no situation, when sales order is issued but location is not set at all.


Main CVS updated. Thanks.

Check whether company/x/js_cache directory is writable or not. It should be.


(11 replies, posted in Installation)

Both problems you have found seems to be related to nonstandard settings your wamp version use.
First I have to say we want to maintain FA compatibility also with older php and mysql versions. This is why we use both in code and sql files some old constructs, which can generate warnings in log file.
First warning you have encountered is related to way how php uses objects, and should not harm. Using & with new is depreciated in php5, but not forbidden.
The sql files distributed with FA are generated by MySQL dump, maybe we should select another options during generation, but as I said in most distributions it simply works without problems. Probably your installation has mysql_mode=traditional setin configuration file, while by default no mode is set.
The advice for now for you is to add following line line at start of used sql file:
SET mysql_mode=''

Hope it helps.

Thank you for you thorough  investigation of the issues.
