Apologies for all the problems. We are dependent on FA users in testing the application. We try to react to any problem  instantly, but the bug was introduced a couple of months ago, and no claims were recieved so far - just this is rarely used part of FA. Really sorry.

You can just copy all the files from new release overwriting old ones. This does not restore lost data, but will prevent damages in future.



(3 replies, posted in Announcements)

Yes this was a bug. When you have running accounting application there is no way to change working COA as this is basement of the whole system. But before the fix it was possible, and resulted in complete database reset.


(1 replies, posted in Wish List)

Welcome to the club, Mk zaman.

Yes, sure! If you are determined to create and make available such extension, I will do my best to help you with this. I can also consider changes in  FA extension system to support running standard forms counterparts from modules directory. Downside of this solution is obvious: the module needs separate maintenance, so later we can consider the best way for smooth integration of batch control option in core sources. Anyway I would like to see working batch control functionality as module first smile.


This does not make sense. If you want to print purchase order and send to supplier, just use Purchase Order report. There are both supplier and your data printed on it.

Any Linux distribution supports transparently most types of printable documents. I guess the same is on Win when you have installed right drivers supporting pdf file format conversion in background.


Item Category settings serve as default for new items created in this category. But once the item is defined you can change the item's category as you wish, you can also change individually GL accounts related to item - they are no longer dependent on category settings.


(6 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Hi Pete,
The bug was fixed, unfortunately already after today's release, so you have to wait for next minor version, or just download changed file from FA hg repo.


(5 replies, posted in Installation)

.. or hair accountant to make the initial setup setup for you. The accounting knowledge is more or less necessary during FA configuration. Later you can use it without special skills.


(6 replies, posted in Setup)

More info on openssl installation you will find here:


(3 replies, posted in Announcements)

There was critical bug found in FrontAccounting 2.3.x up to 2.3.3 relases which could result in data lost when company settings were changes via Setup| Create/Update Companies interface.The bug was fixed in FA 2.3.4 version which is already available on 

All FA 2.3x users are encouraged to upgrade instantly to Frontaccounting 2.3.4 or later available for download on and do NOT use Create/Update Companies screen before the upgrade.

Pity to say, but there was ugly bug in Create/Update Companies code, which could result in data lost sad. The bug was fixed in FA 2.3.4 version which is already available on Apologies for all problems resulted from this nasty bug hidden in 2.3.x code, and thank you for your reports.


Maybe you have very low timeout set in company preferences?


(13 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Frankly speaking I see no real issue with the constraint of single editor window for given transaction type. If you really need to see another transaction at the same time you can just open popup window from transactions inquiry. This popup is not editable, but you can see all the content here without edition conflict.

This is really not worth the time spent on design and development (I really tried many variants), but if you will find any really working implementation - give me a note.  We can adopt it in FA.


(2 replies, posted in Reporting)

You have to increase memory limit in your php.ini file.

Seems we have introduced this problem with latest minor release. Please comment the line out and restore the line above it (the one commented). Or just upgrade your instalation to php5.
Thanks for pointing this out.


(13 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

No, this is not so easy. This is really unsafe to send all the data back and forth between server and browser. This way all security role related constraints are broken. Session is saved using session id in cookie which are shared by all browser's tabs/windows. So far I have not found easy and secure way to skip this restriction.

Joe is out off office till weekend, so be patient please.

Seems something went wrong during upgrade. You can restore databases from backup, turn go_debug=1 in config.php, and then run upgrade again - this should result in more debugging messages. Before that check server logs and eventually tmp/errors.log file, to see what was the problem during upgrade.


(2 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

You can comment out related add_application() calls at the bottom of frontaccounting.php 

Looks good. Personally I do not use lot control, but there was big demand for this kind of extension on the forum.

Ad 1. Seems most of the basic functionality for serial/batch control is covered by your description. Probably in final version the new item options should be included also in item category and company setup (as default setting). Also current batch/expire date inquire for controlled items should be implemented.

Ad.2 The best implementation form for such feature seems to be module. Unfortunately current FA framework does not support additional fields provided by modules in standard transaction forms. Such improvement to extension system is not trivial, so maybe better way for now is just to make the serial/batch control included in core FA source. The only condition which have to be fulfilled is additional control in company settings which would switch on/off batch control functionality. As for most  businesses batch control is not required, the related fields for batch selection,  expiry date delivery/invoice/inventory forms should be completely hidden when the feature is switched off on company level. Otherwise it would be big, annoying and not needed performance lost on data entry for most FA users. (BTW Currently we use Mercurial for version control, and not SVN).

Ad 3. You can rely on FA team help in functionality design process, we can also provide you advice on FA internals later during implementation. I'm also sure there is a lot of current FA users which will serve as testers for your code. Batch/serial control is subject not addressed so far in FA only due to lack of free resources, so if  you want to support the project with your programming skills, you are heartily welcome smile.

Ad 4. If the code you want to implement is consistent enough with core FA source style, and the extension details were consulted with us to ensure the best possible interoperability with other parts of core sources, I see no problem to make it available to public as soon as it is ready and tested.
The only real constraint we have is FA release policy which does not allow database changes in minor releases. Therefore all development should be done on unstable branch available in FA Mercurial repo, which is forthgoing code for 2.4 release.



(3 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Try to use it, and you will know how it works. There is no write off/return option, just because you are not aware what supplier will do with items received back. If you do not return any items, you can leave the items table empty during credit note entry.


You can use journal entry  for it, but anyway direct purchase invoice is the best for this kind of expenses. If you create some generic service type item with editable description in Items catalogue, you can use it for ad hoc costs registration which does not require quantity stock control. This way you will have tax/net values properly calculated and posted, also payment will be processed during single step invoice entry.

id_ID is right locale name. There is still sparse  in_ID in install folder, it will be removed in next FA version.

It depends how the change is implemented. If it is strictly local customization it should stay outside the main application code. But if it is improvement of general use, and the code is consistent with core sources we can consider including it in one of next releases. It would be good to discuss details on developers mailing list.
