(3 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

FrontAccounting supports only single level of categorization.


(1 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

You can make multiply partial deliveries against ingle order, and then charge your customer for all the deliveres in single batch invoice. But anyway the invoice have to be done after all the deliveries are made.


(1 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

The payment should be done via Payments to Suppliers. If you do not see the change on bank account just  check your setup (does the bank account use GL account you check for changes? is the payment date ivalid i.e. in any fiscal year?)


(2 replies, posted in Setup)

You have to swith GD php extension on.


(1 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

You should first  set GRN clearing account in 'System and GL General Setup'


(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Switching off the javascript interface should be rather considered as last resort in debugging.
What problem you are talking about? If you have any problem, please report it (the best place is our Mantis bugtracker).


(12 replies, posted in Installation)

Ok, guys. Version 2.3.9 including all last fixes has been released today.
Thank you all for cooperation.

liahsheep, special thanks for pointing out the exact source of the problem smile.


I'm not sure what you mean by 'extending core clases'. I guess the right solution for you is using db_postwrite() hook defined in your extension hook class derived from general hooks class (see includes/hooks.inc). If this method is defined, it is called just after transaction is stored in database - see add_po() function in purchasing/includes/po_db.inc.



(12 replies, posted in Installation)

Thanks for isolating the problem. The $min_level conditional value was introduced in 2.3.8 due to another bug causing infinite loop during remote repository interaction. Seems php behaviour changes in this aspect with minor version number change, so we have to make another countermeasures. Please test following new version of end_flush() function located in erros.inc:

function end_flush() {
    global $Ajax, $transaction_level;

    if (isset($Ajax))

     while(ob_get_level() > 1) ob_end_flush();

    // if any transaction was aborted unexpectedly rollback changes

If this code works well, we will release new bugfix FA version ASAP.


(16 replies, posted in Installation)

Addendum: patched version 2.3.8 works right also on Ubuntu 11.04 just installed on my laptop.



(16 replies, posted in Installation)

Version 2.3.8 is considered stable, however you can wait a while. Seems we will have to release next version soon.
I personally use patched 2.3.8 version on Debian Linux  with php 5.3.3 without any problems.
When release 2.3.8 is used with patch attached to mentioned mantis report all should work right. If you still encounter white page problem - clean your browser cache.


Probably you have misconfigured php/www server installation, so the session files are not properly written to the disk. I have no experience with windows family systems, so there is small chance I could help. Anyway check why the file mentioned in the message cannot be deleted by www server process. I guess this is some permitions related problem.


(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Yes, sure it is, unless delivery is fully invoiced.


(1 replies, posted in Setup)

I guess you want to you use Slovenian locales rather than Polish, so better choice for you is sl_SL.ISO-8859-2 wink.
Location of locale can vary depending on Linuz distribution, so RTFM:

man locale-gen



(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Shipment taxation (especially in cross-border trading) is complex matter, so many situations are not covered by FA functionality. I guess in your case defining additional item for shipping charges is the only sensible solution.


I personally prefer git to manage multiply FA versions. As other developers work on windows we have decided to keep the code in Mercurial repository which seems to have better windows support. This decision requires me to use also git-hg extension. This is in fact one way integration (not very handy to push changes back to the repo), so I would advice just to use hg for new developers if you are not addicted to git as I am wink .


(7 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Yes, this is good idea. I'm only not sure whether should it be added on customer or on branch level.


(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Maybe. This is not the case on my Linux box using php 5.3.3 where memory usage floats about 1-1.5MB. I guess this can be some version related php issue?


(3 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

There is no additional rounding done in FA. Amount is calculated just from rcice and quantity taking in to account optional discounts and shipment costs.

FrontAccounting presume that order is binding agreement with your customer, so if you want to enlarge delivery ad then invoice you have to first change sales order or entry an additional one.


(13 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

The extension is provided by Tom Moulton. You will find instructions in readme.txt file found in modules/impoirt_items folder after installation.


(15 replies, posted in Setup)

tclim wrote:

There are no

I have explained all the reasons in our mail discussion. If you still say there is no reason to not apply your weak patch to FA core sources, this is probably because you do  not want to understand the reasons. Probably  you should just read our correspondence again.

To help you and other peoples to understand rationale behind the decision, I will repeat them in short here:
. the patch has ignored current FA users which use ISO encoded data by years completely. The only advice from author of the patch was: DIYusing iconv. This definitely is not the way we provide backward compatibility in FrontAccounting;
. using UTF8 instead of any single byte encoding like ISO-8859-* enlarges generated pdf reports enormously, in order of MB. This is not acceptable for many FA users using the application on weak and/or expensive (GSM) connections;
. the only problem with current UTF-8 support appears in arabic environment (ar_EG locales). We have received no claims about using UTF8 in other languages like georgian or chinese. So, I'm still not sure the problem is really in encoding used (however it is probable).

I have tried to solve the problem reported by Excellence some time ago, unfortunatelly without success. After studying provided patch,  I doubt it is the real fix for the problem reported, but have found the changes adopted as they are would be great pain in the *** for current FA users.

Again, we are ready to adopt any improvements in utf8 support unless they will hurt peoples using other encoding. In near future we will improve FA repository system to support more than one encoding for any locale. Hope it will be inviting for further development toward better utf8 support.



(7 replies, posted in Setup)

Seems this is some issue of you VPS hosting. I will have to contact you directly via email to explain the problem.

You have improperly installed asset register extension. I do not know rea  for this, but you can reset installation running modules/asset_register/sql/update.sql file via phpmyadmin.