Topic: Cannot apply tax to shipping costs?

After looking around at different posts and exploring the various setup options, I get the feeling it is not possible to apply the group tax applicable to an order to the shipping costs.  That is, if the group tax for an order is 5%, I want that same 5% to apply to the shipping costs as well.

As far as I can tell, this makes the software incompatible with typical sales invoices in Canada where the tax varies from province to province and also (often) applies to shipping costs.  Having just one global shipping tax value does not suffice.

I guess I will have to add a new charge item for shipping costs and add this item to each order to account for shipping.  This seems like a valid work-around.

Has anybody else had to deal with this and have a different solution?

Re: Cannot apply tax to shipping costs?

Shipment taxation (especially in cross-border trading) is complex matter, so many situations are not covered by FA functionality. I guess in your case defining additional item for shipping charges is the only sensible solution.


Re: Cannot apply tax to shipping costs?

In the next major release, release 2.4, the shipping tax can be chosen inside the tax group.
Until then, you will have to declare items as shipping tax.


Re: Cannot apply tax to shipping costs?

Ok, thanks.  Will look forward to 2.4.