1 (edited by brijesh 12/06/2011 08:03:51 am)

Topic: Sub Categories for items

How to manage items under sub-categories.
Since, there is only categories for Items. But if I want to manage items under sub-categories
Products > 1)Components 2) Assembly 3) Raw Materials
Non Products > 2) Tools 2) Lubricants 3) Utility

Products and Non-Products are two main categories.
And others are their sub-categories.

Re: Sub Categories for items

FrontAccounting supports only single level of categorization.

Re: Sub Categories for items

Now , i have created functions to support sub category modules.


Subscription service based on FA
HRM CRM POS batch Themes

Re: Sub Categories for items

All Sub Category elements like COGS / Expenses accounts will generally be the same and hence the categorisation can be considered outside of normal FA. This will help create unique Item Names across all categories and make for easier choices. It can be a special tag just for category hierarchy in reporting all in another table and separate form for it.