Topic: Blank page on install C 2.3.8

Hello I am trying to install this to see if it can work for our company. I have uploaded the archive to directory and unpacked. I try the URL to get there and all I get is a blank screen. Can someone help me out here and tell me what to do?

Thank you.

Re: Blank page on install C 2.3.8

I am on a godaddy server for now

Re: Blank page on install C 2.3.8


we're having similar issues as well.. have a look at the following thread for some things that you can try:

you may want to try replacing the file as per the thread ( --> bug 0001173).. although it didnt work for us.. you may have different results..


Re: Blank page on install C 2.3.8


I have the problem too - blank page.

Do we wait for the next update or re-install 2.3.7?

Re: Blank page on install C 2.3.8

Is this blank page arising during the install?

Instead of waiting for the next release, please try to help us fixing this problem. In our development environments we cannot reproduce this error.
Therefore it is mandatory that you help us trying to find the problem.

We have explained how to trace the bug, if the install has finished and the program is starting in the following thread:

But if the blank page arise during the install phase, then we would have to examine the /install/ file.


Re: Blank page on install C 2.3.8

Yep, it happens on the install - if it's happening. Can't tell. It goes blank then nothing.

Running it on:
Apache version     2.2.21
PHP version     5.2.17
MySQL version     5.1.56

Re: Blank page on install C 2.3.8

Oh I'm not alone. Blank page happened on clean extract of frontaccounting-2.3.8.tgz.

After some probing, it seemed that the output buffer was not functioning well -- the buffer started but didn't flush at the end.
So I tried commenting the lines that use output buffer, i.e. those containing ob_start, ob_end_flush..

With output buffer off, I could see the installation screen and proceed with the installation.
But when I logged in, I see some random strange behaviours with the page. (sometimes blank, sometimes ok)

The bug has not been fixed yet and I'm still tracing the bug.
Hope the above helps anyone who are working hard too to fix the problem.

I'm using PHP 5.3.1.

Re: Blank page on install C 2.3.8

My workaround:

/includes/ : Line 159
$min_level = 0; //$min_level = defined('FORCE_GZIP') ? 1 : 0;

I don't know if it will break other parts. But it seemed to work for me now.
Hope it helps.

Re: Blank page on install C 2.3.8

Thanks liahsheep. Awaiting for Janusz to take action.


Re: Blank page on install C 2.3.8

Thanks for isolating the problem. The $min_level conditional value was introduced in 2.3.8 due to another bug causing infinite loop during remote repository interaction. Seems php behaviour changes in this aspect with minor version number change, so we have to make another countermeasures. Please test following new version of end_flush() function located in

function end_flush() {
    global $Ajax, $transaction_level;

    if (isset($Ajax))

     while(ob_get_level() > 1) ob_end_flush();

    // if any transaction was aborted unexpectedly rollback changes

If this code works well, we will release new bugfix FA version ASAP.

Re: Blank page on install C 2.3.8

Hi Janusz,

The new end_flush() worked well for me.
Thanks for the prompt action!


Re: Blank page on install C 2.3.8

Also had this problem and was about to post today when I saw this.  The fix above works for me too.



Re: Blank page on install C 2.3.8

Ok, guys. Version 2.3.9 including all last fixes has been released today.
Thank you all for cooperation.

liahsheep, special thanks for pointing out the exact source of the problem smile.
