I have overlooked the thread long time ago.
Yes, seems the problem arise on systems without native gettext installed.
Sledge, as I have gettext installed on all my boxes, I rely on you when debugging the problem. I will send a copy of changed file on your email registered at FA forum. Please test whether it fix the problem.


(3 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

No, this should not be changed even by phpmyadmin. When you change it uom on already issued invoices will change also. Create new item with another uom instead.


(7 replies, posted in Installation)

PHP has several php.ini files for diffferent operation modes (CLI, apache module etc.) MAke sure you have enabled openssl for php mode you use. Last but not least you have to have OpenSSL libraries installed smile.


(1 replies, posted in Setup)

Yes, this is great issue in current tax system. All tax rates should be defined with start-end dates. This is complex problem, as after the tax rates change we have still support both taxes in parallel for some time. This extension  still waits to be done.


(2 replies, posted in Setup)

Look into ui_controls.inc at $popup_editors table.


(8 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I'm not sure what you mean. If you want to change the additional information from order to order - there is no support for this. All what you can do is just include additional information together with the supplier code and this will be printed on every PO to this supplier. E.g. if have entered:
  'ABC123 - available in individual packaging or in 12 pc parcel.'
in 'Purchasing pricing' page as supplier's description of the item - this will be printed on every PO.



(8 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

This is exactly as it should be presented to your supplier. Your internal item codes as in most cases completely meaningless for your supplier, so they are not presented on PO. You can instead include  supplier's codes in item description in Purchasing pricing page.


(11 replies, posted in Jobs wanted/offered, non-free offers)

I see nothing suspicious in your setup. What about php.ini file?

I see there is some problem with inconsistent C/en_GB/en_US support. I have added bug report in mantis to be fixed ASAP. Also I have no idea what is en_US-2.3.0-1.php file -  seems it is not included in original FA sources nor any FA extension.
For now, try uninstall the en_US localization package.


(2 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

The tax system  basics was described many times here. Also there is a couple of example chart of accounts in FA repository with various tax systems set. You can install one of them on separate comapny and check how the tax system is set up. Tax system in FA is flexible, but may seems complex at start.


(5 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Please send the report to contributions mailbox as stated on our contact page.
Thank you



(8 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Currently most of the auxiliary info on PO is not set at all. We shold provide some usable info here in next FA release. Regarding line description: you can entry per supplier item description in Items & Inventory/Purchasing pricing. Those per supplier descriptions are printed only on pdf reports, or purchase orders sent to supplier. For internal use (eg in PO inquiry) they are still presented using company's own naming.



(5 replies, posted in Setup)

You should simply add your currency in Currencies menu option. To import exchange rates from source other than ECB you will need to write FA extension providing retrieve_rate() hook (see desrciption in includes/hooks.inc file).


(11 replies, posted in Jobs wanted/offered, non-free offers)

We have to see at least your php.ini file and System Diagnostics info to have a chance to help you, howevere this is not message displayed by FA  so most probably also the problem is somewhere outside the FA source code.


(10 replies, posted in Wish List)

Ok, thank you. This looks like good source of information at the start point.


(17 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Yes, Elax, you are right . This is really real example smile. Surely any reported issue of this kind will be fixed.


(4 replies, posted in Setup)

The invoice date is assumed to be the document date in FA,
Time of supply is determined by related delivery note, however it is not printed on standard invoice report.
You have unit prices and totals  excluding VAT on invoice when you use pricelist (aka sales type) which use prioces excluding VAT.
So, the changes you need should probably be done only in final printed report form.


(9 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

There is no special requirement to php extension beside openssl to access extension repository, so I guess the problem is related to some other settings. Also the message mentioned in the first post does not appear to be generated by FA code. It rather suggest some external problems with conenction to repo.frontaccounting.com


(10 replies, posted in Wish List)

Sounds good, so we have to wait for more interested QB users.
I personally have some experience in binary file format analyse. Maybe you can send me some  example QB database to look inside in mean time, just to recognize the subject complexity ?


(17 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Yes, I know this legendary rounding problem, but I couldn't find single place in FA where addition is done so many times without rounding, that the error has a chance to rise above half a cent. Of course I can be wrong, so we can switch with all the database double columns to  numeric, as soon  as the problem  will be proven  on real example wink.


(2 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Please resend the code. We have not received it for some reason.


(20 replies, posted in Translations)

We used to translate the messages using poedit or similar tools. According to my feelings the problem here is not lack of tolls, but rather lack of translators wink.
I'm not sure what we can do to help you with the problem?

If you mean import_multijournalentries extension, probably there is some bug in the bank related code which will be fixed in a few next days.

I'm not sure what you consider unusual here, this seems rather logical for me. There are many situations when company posess a couple of inventories, and no all the goods are available from the inventory located at the same place as salesman office. Therefore inventory is considered only as default. Sales terms are another subject: the company owner not always want to give full credit to every salesman, so sometimes only cash sales is accepted, sometimes only delayed peayments, sometimes both.

NB Keep it easy, we really like to be helpfull for everybody at this forum, but sometimes the real life need us outside virtual reality smile.


(3 replies, posted in Installation)

Default company is the first company installed under FA, i.e. the first setup in config_db.php.
If you have any backup file from the previous setup you should restore your applicatioon without problem:
1. Donload and install fresh new copy of FA application in version you have used before crash,
2. If your old company used prefix '1_' create addiitonal company on new installation.
3. if you have database copy created on old system via Backup/Restore menu option, copy the backup file to company/1/backups and retore it;

If you want to preserve new data access setup (e.g. you forgot old login/password), just delete/create/insert clauses for tables 1_users and 1_security_roles before databse restoring. That's all.