Topic: Crash Recovery

My compter crashed recently.  I rebuilt it, installed the latest version (2.3.9) of the software.  Then I restored the yesterday's backup from 2.3.7.

Now when I login, the screen goes white.  Nothings shows up.

Any Ideas of what might be wrong?

Thanks in advance.


I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.

Re: Crash Recovery

Please empty the browser cache.


3 (edited by mph 12/31/2011 07:17:37 pm)

Re: Crash Recovery

Since the computer was a fresh install I didn't think of that.  I cleared the cache, no difference.

The apache logs don't show any errors.  mysqlcheck shows no errors with the database or tables.

I was able to copy the old version (2.3.7)  off the old drive.  I made a new virtual host, and it works fine.  Trying to use the new version it doesn't work.  What I didn't notice before, because it's been so long since I've messed with the company setup is that what I'm trying to restore is not the first company.  I.E. when I orginally setup my databases I had a test company prefixed with 0_, the comany is use on a regular basis is prefixed with 1_.  The config_db.php file only has the definition for 0_.  The tables in the original database are 1_.

I've tried changing the config_db.php file in several ways, including copying the file from the old version, to try to get it to read the new database.  No luck.  I also massaged the mysql dump file mass substituting 0_ in place of the 1_.  Again, no luck.

I can't get it to work even if i restore the test company data first, re-create my company and restore the database in either version.  Yet copying the old database and software works.

Edit:  What is it that makes a company the default and how do I change my company to the default?

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.

Re: Crash Recovery

Default company is the first company installed under FA, i.e. the first setup in config_db.php.
If you have any backup file from the previous setup you should restore your applicatioon without problem:
1. Donload and install fresh new copy of FA application in version you have used before crash,
2. If your old company used prefix '1_' create addiitonal company on new installation.
3. if you have database copy created on old system via Backup/Restore menu option, copy the backup file to company/1/backups and retore it;

If you want to preserve new data access setup (e.g. you forgot old login/password), just delete/create/insert clauses for tables 1_users and 1_security_roles before databse restoring. That's all.