Topic: Purchase Order problem


Look the added Purchase Order

My Problems - main system is in Estonian - so the Company Name also - Portal Invest OÜ  - but I need to make English purchase orders and maybe invoices soon also.

Now the problems.

1) How You can see - in English this OÜ one letter is now some strange characters. How can I fix it or is it possible to define so - that in English language the company name is Portal Invest LLC

2) Why the field Sales Person is empty - as under company I added contacts.

3) Why the field Your VAT no. is empty? - I filled the VAT field under company when I added it.

4) Why the field Our Order No is empty?

5) Due Date - what is that?

6) Item Code - I have my own codes and so I add supplier codes to purchase prices article supplier comment/code field - but where I can edit or where it takes text to Item Description field?

Re: Purchase Order problem

1. I am not sure how to fix this. Maybe some of the users out there can help us.

2-3-4-5. The fill of the fields depends on which type of document it is. Due Date is the last date for paying the invoices.

If you want to change the text, then re-edit the line after it has been added.

Please also read the Wiki, http;// for more details.


Re: Purchase Order problem

FA Wiki is empty - when I looked Purhase order sections.
2-3-4-5 - I still doesn't understand - why it doesn't show the VAT number, sales person and my order number?

And Item Description - I don't see - where I can modify it - so that it will be shown in PO.

Re: Purchase Order problem

Currently most of the auxiliary info on PO is not set at all. We shold provide some usable info here in next FA release. Regarding line description: you can entry per supplier item description in Items & Inventory/Purchasing pricing. Those per supplier descriptions are printed only on pdf reports, or purchase orders sent to supplier. For internal use (eg in PO inquiry) they are still presented using company's own naming.


Re: Purchase Order problem

When I am setting name in Items & Inventory/Purchasing pricing - then it will shown in Item Code area - not in Item Description area. I tested it several times.

Re: Purchase Order problem

This is exactly as it should be presented to your supplier. Your internal item codes as in most cases completely meaningless for your supplier, so they are not presented on PO. You can instead include  supplier's codes in item description in Purchasing pricing page.

Re: Purchase Order problem

Yes - I understanding that - that supplier doesn't need to know my codes and so on. But when I want to add some additional information - what supplier has also in description field - how I can add that - so that it will shown in description field?
Example - suppier item code - AB123 and in description - available in individual packaging or in 12 pc parcel.

Re: Purchase Order problem

I'm not sure what you mean. If you want to change the additional information from order to order - there is no support for this. All what you can do is just include additional information together with the supplier code and this will be printed on every PO to this supplier. E.g. if have entered:
  'ABC123 - available in individual packaging or in 12 pc parcel.'
in 'Purchasing pricing' page as supplier's description of the item - this will be printed on every PO.


Re: Purchase Order problem

ABC123 - available in individual packaging or in 12 pc parcel - You can't add so long code and description to item description field in Purchasing page.