The easiest way is just prescalling your img file in GIMP or similar program to proper dimensions before you upload it to use in application.

It depends when you plan to use this additional selectors. The item list is in most cases assembled in separate function located in some *_ui.php file in includes/ui subfolder.


(5 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Ok, everybody can have its own opinion in this matter. If you want to implement javascript dialog as an simple_crud_class class option which can be activated (when needed) on object creation - you are welcome. We can add this to the next FA version.


(6 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Well, I'm not sure what the problem you've found. Suppliers data can be edited in Purchasing/Suppliers, exactly in  the same place when is was entered.


(2 replies, posted in Translations)

I do not see any deletion here. Just the maximum line length is used in both examples

Maybe you have to declare English language as UTF-8 encoded. Better support for UTF-8 encoded mulitlanguage installations will be included in next major FA version.

Yes, when purchase order is printed/mailed supplier specific unit of measure/description are used.

Also, you have all categories included in sales reports. Service is not inventory item, so is not  included in inventory reports.

No, in FA philosophy both delivery and related invoice should always reflect order.


(1 replies, posted in Setup)

No, complete hiding is not supported in current FA version. You will need customize php code to achieve required effect.

Keep in mind that changing base installed_extension.php is not enough to deactivate the extension. You have to remove the mentioned section also from company/X/installed_extensions.php files.


(3 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Yes, this should be fixed in sources. For now you can adjust your mysql configuration in my.ini/my.sfg file, removing STRICT_ALL_TABLES/STRICT_TRANS_TABLES from sql_mode setting.


(27 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Cash sales terms selection is blocked, when POS related to your user record does not allow for cash transactions.


(1 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Units are also stored in stock_master.units field


(5 replies, posted in Setup)

If you want to have no company selector on the login screen, you can supersede the select input field with a hidden one.
Or if your goal is to separate companies, you can simply have one source tree per company (installed in separate folders). All FA sources have a couple of Megabytes of code, so this should be no problem even on any budget hosting account.


(1 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

You should have separate bank account in USD registered in FA. Then when you enter payment in USD, this can be directly allocated to USD invoice with no currency exchange involved.

I guess you have entered  the cost when you have done adjustment for B, didn't you?


(7 replies, posted in Setup)

You can set go_debug variable in config.php file, but the message warn you that the parameters you try to enter are already in database. Just look into unique/primary keys and table content in table you operate on, to find which exactly data can cause the problem.


(11 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

You will find it in respective php file. Use grep to find 'Email This' phrase.

ISO-8859-1 was choosen by original Romanian translator, as far as I know the ro_RO FA translation does not use accented characters at all. I guess you can compile locales using this encoding too, but if this is a problem, alternatively you can change encoding declared in file manually, setting it to ISO-8859-2.


(11 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Yes, this is exactly how it works. Directory name is  not database prefix but company index in $db_connections table.


(11 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Well, this is quite simple: if you have 3 companies in your config_db.php fiel, you should have 3 private folders under company, named '0' to '2'. If for some reason anyone subfolder is missing the company deletion fails. This is because folders have to renumbered  when you delete any but the last one company (e.g. removing company 1 will require renaming the '2' folder to '1'). This cannot be done when some folder is missing.



(11 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Nothing has changed in this matter so far, answer to your question you can find in second post in this thread.


(6 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

All the reports have included for the same reason. Many helper functions defined in FA and called in reports depend on data stored in $_SESSION, so it should be included also here. If you want to debug reports in FA setting $pdf_debug =1 in your config.php temporarily can be useful. This will display generated PDF source in separate browser tab, giving you possibility to check the results for some kind of errors which otherwise are hidden.



(6 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Yes, sure. contains all the initialization calls necessary to create environment for application. This is the only file which have to be included in any page.