
(7 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

But this is the way of balancing the fiscal year. The newly created account 'Year Profit/loss' will show you the profit (debit) or loss (credit). And by making this final transaction you are balancing the accounts and the 'Retained earnings' is credited (the equity has increased if profit). There are often many more transactions to do before you do this last one. Depreciations, allocation to funds etc. You should talk to an accountant about this, because it is easier to let one explain it for you, and it might vary a bit from country to country, but this  is the basics.



(7 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

Hello again,
Now it popped into my mind what the Retained Earning Clearing Account is about. It is the account for accumulating the profits during the fiscal years.

To your last question you should create an account, probably the last one in your cost group and call this account for something like 'Year Profit Clearing'.

The last transaction of the fiscal year will then be a debit to this account for your profit and credit to the Retained Earning Clearing Account.

If there is no profit, but loss, you should use credit and debit instead.

You don't have to this before creating a new fiscal year and start entering on the new year. You can do this later on when your transactions of the previous year has finished. As soon as you have done it, you should close the previous year, to avoid entrance on this year by mistake.

This is the normal way of doing it. There might be slightly different methods in various countries. In that case you should ask an accountant.



(7 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

Me neither, it was implemented when we took over the earlier project. It is probably for future releases. I will deep into it and be back if I come up with something.



(14 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

The dot was mistakenly included. Here is the link again
https://frontaccounting.com/grid/sample16.php . wink


(2 replies, posted in Translations)

Well, your are partly right. But as it is rare that these messages appear, we didn't consider this as a major problem. It is quite normal that SQL messages in other applications are in Engligh, won't you agree?



(11 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Fixed in the CVS repository at Sourceforge. Thanks janusz.


This was probably not the best font we found. On this site (links section and feeds section) there are links and info about where to get free fonts. We didn't have time to investigate this fully, but we have encouraged people to dig further and send the material to us. Then we can have the packages put on our Download Languages page.
Anyhow, your contribution is good, as you say it might be easier for those having troubles with the encodings.



(11 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Hello again janusz,
I'm not sure if I understand your answer.
When you choose the backup/restore in the setup tab, only the current company is backed up. If this company has a table prefix of 0_, the backup file will show up as: dbname_0_Ymd_Hi.sql, where dbname is the name of the database, _0 is the table prefix. It is important that you select the correct sql file with the correct table prefix when you later restore this file on the company.
If there is no table prefix the backup file will show: dbname_Ymd_Hi.sql. In this case you would chose the correct dbname when restoring.
String replacing a 0_ with 0_ will result in 0_
String replacing a 0_ with an empty string will result in an empty string (no table prefix).
The only cases that the str_replace line will be executed are when you replace a 0_ with 0_. (backup/restore), and when creating a new company. It will either replace the 0_ with the selected table prefix or an empty string if no prefixes.

So I really see no problem here if you take these precautions when restoring the databases.



(5 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Hello again,
We will implement a new variable, $print_invoice_no, in config.php. A value of 0 will print the reference number and a value of 1 will print the invoice_no.

We will take the risk and go back to our former directing of the PDF files as you point out.


But janusz, we have used it with the farsi (persian) language as well as russian.
You can see the PDF output for the farsi language on the Screenshot page here on this site. If you follow the instructions on the Download Language page about creating a local.inc file and making a new font file for PDF, there should be no problems using this class for presenting non latin-1 encodings.

And we can put more fonts and local.inc files on the Download Language page as soon as they are created.


Hi Janusz,
Can't you just create new fonts for including with the tool ttf2pt1 as explaned on the page Download - Download languages? At the very botton there are some explanations on how to use other fonts with FrontAccounting.



(11 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Thank you Janusz for your help.
#1 is ok. Will be fixed asap.
#2. A temporarily fix to the Report Generator is to limit the access to Admins only. Page_security 15. I think the second str_replace line was mistakenly implemented during development of the Report Generator. It is not neccessary. But the first line with str_replace with replacement of 0_ to currentry table-pref is neccessary due to importing new chart of accounts when creating new companies. These charts have a prefix of 0_. It shouldn't create any troubles at least as I see it. If it does, we have to find another way of adding the table-prefixes into the tables. The problem here is that all the various chart of accounts have been implemented with this 0_ prefix. What do you say to this? When we have solved this we can update the CVS repository.
Again, did you see my answer to your PDF presentation? If we are sure about that we can include this also.

Kind regards


(5 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Thanks. Regarding the Invoice No/Reference no. Most companies use their own number series for their Invoice Numbers (the Reference) instead of the autoincremented Invoice No. This is the reason that we chose to use the Reference instead. We could probably use a switch inside config.php for doing this.
Regarding your suggestions with directing the pdf, we have used this before, but had some problems with some browsers. This was the reason to use our own presentation. Are you sure that this is browser safe now? If you are, then we will try it again.



(5 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

We are aware of this. Can you point out a solution for this? It should probably be done in the include file /reporting/includes/pdf_report.inc.



(11 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Thanks for your contribution. Regarding #1. Do you have a solution to that?
Regarding #2. These 2 lines with str_replace() is neccessary. The first line is for empty chart of accounts. They are marked with a 0_ table prefix and are replaces with the current company table prefix. The second line is for the Report Generator SQL file. A table prefix of Y_ should be replaced with the 0_ prefix. Could this be rewritten to work with your test?

Kind regards

Thanks for your contribution. I will answer your questions by referring to your list numbers.
1. The phone numbers etc, are not belonging to the customer, but to a branch (branches). The reason to have this separated is that it might be a one to many relationship. In database technology it is called normalization. A company can have one or many branch addresses for deliveries.
2. The same thing regarding the Items. We can have prices for retail, wholesale, and for various currencies. Again this is a one to many relationship.
3. The check writing has not been implemented yet. You can use the ACH transferring in the US.

If you want to build another application based on FA, you are welcome to do so.
We will not change the kind of infrastructure we have built, because it is our experience that this is the right way of doing it.

Kind regards



(14 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Yes, that could reveal some smart things. Though, we will not implement a framework for doing this, but we could probably find some way of doing it.
Regarding the AJAX, we have already worked on that and found a good script with very small footprint. You can take a look here for a very early example:
https://frontaccounting.com/grid/sample16.php. It is our plan to implement AJAX in release 2.0. It will require a lot of rewrite of the code and probably make it even better.



(14 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Hello Steve,
I agree on that it would be nice to change the layout of the documents. But as we do not have a report generator, we have to think smart. As you mention, it could be an approach to have some editable templates to work from. Something like ini-files where we could place the coordinates in millimeters (or px's). And of course an add-on module for editing/creating such templates. And see instantly how these templates looks like in PDF.
And of course we should be able to select the various templates somewhere.
Well, we have to think a bit more, before starting with this, but it would be a real improvement to the system



(14 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Thanks for this contribution. Glad to see these suggestions. We can not guarantee that all these attributes will be implemented. Some of them are already in the planning stage.
FYI, if you set a variable in CONFIG.SYS, $loc_notification, to 1, an email notification is sent to the location email if the stock available is below the reorder-level. This require release 1.15. On every stock location, you can set an email adress.

Will take a closer look into this.

PS. Are there any suggesitons about improment to the item reports etc.


(9 replies, posted in Setup)

This is an extract from the file CONFIG.PHP regarding the User Access Levels:

"Security Group definitions - Depending on the AccessLevel of the user defined in the user set up the areas of functionality accessible can be modified.

Each AccessLevel is associated with an array containing the security categories that the user is entitled to access Each script has a particular security category associated with it.

If the security setting of the page is contained in the security group as determined by the access level then the user will be allowed access.

Each page has a $page_security = x; variable

This value is compared to contents of the array applicable which is based on the access level of the user.

Access authorisation is checked in header.inc this is where _SESSION["AccessLevel"] is the index of the security_groups array. If you wish to add more security groups with then you must add a new SecurityHeading to the security_headings array and a new array of Security categories to the Security Groups array

This mechanism allows more fine grained control of access security_groups is an array of arrays

The index is the order in which the array of allowed pages is defined new ones can be defined at will or by changing the numbers in each array the security access can be tailored. These numbers need to read in conjunction with the Page Security index"

$security_headings = array(
              _("System Administrator")

    $security_groups = array(

As you can see there are 3 levels of User Access Levels at present. The corresponding arrays shows which pages a user can access. Every page has its own security level.



(14 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Hello Steve,
The Item code field is a helper field for quickly entering the item. You should set 'Show Item code' in the Setup - Display Setup. If you do that you will see that the list to the right of the Item code field tries to follow your entry. The list field has the correct entry. As soon as you see it you can press the Tab key (or Enter key). If there is a price entered for the item and currency, it will now show up. All these entries require that javascript is enabled.
Sounds great, Steve, that you are sharing a chart of accounts for the UK in a while.
If everything is ok, the sales order entry should work without any problems. Please let us know, if you detect an unwanted behaviour .


Yes Henry, thanks for helping with this. This was a dum mistake. Bugs fixed in both /gl/inquiry/gl_account_inquiry.php and /gl/inquiry/gl_trial_balance.php. New files at the CVS repository at sourceforge!!! Look in the CHANGELOG.txt.

PS. Henry, your testing has been vitally important. Thanks again!

Well Henry,
You got a point here, and it was quite easy to fix so I have fixed it now.
Check out the file /admin/db/voiding_db.inc at the CVS repository at https:/sourceforge.net/projects/frontaccounting .


Hello again Henry,
Yes you are right that bank transactions posted using Journal Entry is automatically posted to the bank transactions as well. However, this is a feature only for Administrators. It is the only way to setup an initial opening balance.
While most users are using the admin account, it is easy to use the Journal Entry to enter bank transactions.
You can use the voiding routine for many other type of transactions and several type of transactions are voided as well as the GL transactions. But if you insist, I will try to find a solution for this ;-)


Hello Henry,
Are you sure you selected the correct transaction type before voiding the transaction? If you don't select the Bank Deposit, Payment etc., it will not be voided. The GL transaction will be voided as well using these transaction types.
