Topic: PDF generation for non-latin1 charsets

The PDF generator from R&OS used in frontaccaunting is not usable for charsets other then iso-8859-1. This subject was heavily discussed on webERP lists some years ago. Because this issue is still existing in current FA version I had to use FPDF class for report generation. I use slightly changed wrapper which I've written for webERP project. If anybody is interested in it, let me know.


Re: PDF generation for non-latin1 charsets

Hi Janusz,
Can't you just create new fonts for including with the tool ttf2pt1 as explaned on the page Download - Download languages? At the very botton there are some explanations on how to use other fonts with FrontAccounting.


Re: PDF generation for non-latin1 charsets

I can't remember what was exact source of troubles with another encodings used with R&OS, but some people wasted a lot of time to make it run. With no effects. I personally tried to use it with iso8859-2 (Eastern Europe) encoded fonts, and I give up. To use FPDF with foreign encodings you must recode fonts too. And it works with no troubles for such exotic languages as Japan, Chinesee, Korean or even Polish wink.
I've working FA test instalation for the latest option. If you want I can send you via email or ftp whole package with prepared fonts to test.


4 (edited by joe 12/29/2007 11:16:53 pm)

Re: PDF generation for non-latin1 charsets

But janusz, we have used it with the farsi (persian) language as well as russian.
You can see the PDF output for the farsi language on the Screenshot page here on this site. If you follow the instructions on the Download Language page about creating a file and making a new font file for PDF, there should be no problems using this class for presenting non latin-1 encodings.

And we can put more fonts and files on the Download Language page as soon as they are created.


Re: PDF generation for non-latin1 charsets

Ok.  If it works it is no sense to change it. Let's treat my post as last resort for those, which do have problems with encoding.

BTW. On the screenshot of Arabic Balance sheet there is any bargage in a header (some squares instead of regular chars) . It looks like font substitution problem.

6 (edited by joe 12/30/2007 10:34:38 am)

Re: PDF generation for non-latin1 charsets

This was probably not the best font we found. On this site (links section and feeds section) there are links and info about where to get free fonts. We didn't have time to investigate this fully, but we have encouraged people to dig further and send the material to us. Then we can have the packages put on our Download Languages page.
Anyhow, your contribution is good, as you say it might be easier for those having troubles with the encodings.
