For example, need to add the following terms at the end of quotation template:
- Material Availability is subject to sales prior to order confirmation.
- Prices are subject to change without prior notice.
- Please mention the Quotation No. in your future correspondence.
- Entry in Comment or Memo field
- if this info is for all customers - add to file /reporting/includes/
- add the info in the file /reporting/rep111.php.
Sample code
Sample Code if inserting into /reporting/includes/ around line 210, ie., after the end of the last foreach statement:
if ($this->formData['doctype'] == ST_SALESQUOTE) { $this->TextWrapLines(........................) // do what you want here. }
Backport Fix from v2.4
The sys_prefs table where legal_text is stored has tinytext type of 'value' field. This is changed in forthcoming 2.4 version, and you can safely change it to text in v2.3.x too. This should remove the 255 chars constraint on legal_text setting.
ALTER TABLE `0_sys_prefs` CHANGE `value` `value` TEXT NULL;