It depends on the speed of your server and also your timeout in js.  Increase both..  May be your old version has more execution time

The product type is a good one. But needs to connect it with items and then we have to use it in each reports filters where ever we have category drop down. We can use this filter too.

But it's a time consuming to make it. Hire a developer or post a job in forum and get right developer to make it..

The problem you have told the config.php not accessible . Which means it's removed.

Why don't you create a new config.php and config_db.php with your MySQL information. So it will resume working.

Just configurations problem for this

It seems you are using the select2 feature in every drop down. It's not core of FA. You might use a modified the version of it.

So when you choose certain customers. The drop down or the items list might be directly connected to the sales price.

Or there can be the custom query which is failed to get results..

Or if any drop down or the list might be oversized. And it fails to load. 

Or may be timeout. Increase the time if it.

Looks like you are a developer to modify the theme. So  check those perspectives.

Try something more on that to elaborate the error

1. Your update go corrupted. It doesn't get the timeout properly. That's the reason for login popup. And your session timeouts frequently.
2. You are still using old phpmailer class. Update your phpmailer to send mail.

Looks the COA is not good. Try with new company and this time use default FA coa with  or without demo data and than try the same scenario.  If that worked.

You can decide it's COA error.  Give it a try by creating a new company for default COA

We have another required parameter after the optional parameter.

on profit_loss.php

function display_type ($type, $typename, $from, $to, $begin, $end, $compare, $convert,
    $dimension=0, $dimension2=0, $drilldown, $path_to_root)

here $drilldown can be put default value as 0

And $path_to_root can be declared as global variable inside the display_type

function display_type ($type, $typename, $from, $to, $begin, $end, $compare, $convert,
    $dimension=0, $dimension2=0, $drilldown=0) {
        global $path_to_root;

this will work there

Fa 2.4.4 doesnt work on PHP 8. Either you update your FA to recent 2.4.17 or you keep the 2.4.4. with PHP 5.6

suppose if you are running wordpress on the same server, create a sub domain for the FA and for that sub domain keep the version of php in 5.6 and run it there.

Seems like you are trying the same version on 2.4.4 on php 8. it wont work.

2. May be the progressbar.gif path changed or not being captured with path to root level

1. Seems like your FA has core modified and something affected to connect login functions.   May be check the log and bring the errors here. We will help you out


(10 replies, posted in Installation)

Seems like our POS program htaccess interrupt here.  Create sub domain for either ERP or POS and maintain them to access separate


(10 replies, posted in Installation)

Is it happens when your FA installed locally on Windows or Linux.?

Do you have the htaccess with you in the root of your FA?

Can you copy here.?

What is the url of your FA looks like ?

Seems like your database is exist. Only the connectivity problem happens.

If that's docker installed you can check php-MySql missing to work . But directly you are accessing database that works.

Copy the database and program files to other server and try configure it again and check it


(16 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Update your FA to make it work.

With this code

 srand ((double) microtime( )*1000000); 

we are getting error like this in sometime Implicit conversion from float 517375.00000000006. due to the double in it. so lets convert this into int.

 srand ((int) microtime( )*1000000); 


make this change on items.php to take effect.


(57 replies, posted in Installation)


Many users face this problem. Instead accessing repo and download index everytime. Why don't we have the basic index files of _cache directory in it.


(1 replies, posted in Setup)

Both are possible with FA.  It's upto you, but it's good to have small financial for better year closing and balance forwarding process.

FA officially supports php 8.0. Don't go more than this.

I am feeling this change will get it worked.

@joe consider checking it on php 8.1 and 8.2 with existing code and also my new function of db_query

function db_query($sql, $err_msg=null)
    global $db, $SysPrefs, $sql_queries, $Ajax,    $db_connections, $db_last_inserted_id;

    // set current db prefix
    $comp = isset($_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->cur_con) ? $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->cur_con : 0;
    $cur_prefix = @$db_connections[$comp]['tbpref'];
    $sql = str_replace(TB_PREF, $cur_prefix, $sql);

    if ($SysPrefs->show_sql)
        $sql_queries .= "<pre>$sql</pre>\n<hr>";

    db_profile(); // mysql profiling

    $retry = MAX_DEADLOCK_RETRY;
 try { //kvvaradha added try and catch 
    do {
        $result = mysqli_query($db, $sql);
        if (mysqli_errno($db) == 1213)    { // deadlock detected
            sleep(1); $retry--;
        } else {
            throw new mysqli_sql_exception("Deadlock detected: $sql", 1062); //kvvaradha added to through the error in an exception and handle it on catch 
            $retry = 0;
    } while ($retry);


    if($SysPrefs->sql_trail) {
        $db_last_inserted_id = mysqli_insert_id($db);    // preserve in case trail insert is done
        if ($SysPrefs->select_trail || (strstr($sql, 'SELECT') === false)) {
            mysqli_query($db, "INSERT INTO ".$cur_prefix."sql_trail
                (`sql`, `result`, `msg`)
                VALUES(".db_escape($sql).",".($result ? 1 : 0).",
 } catch (mysqli_sql_exception $e) {. //kvvaradha added catch 
        $error_msg = $e->getMessage();
        $error_code = $e->getCode();
    if ($err_msg != null || $SysPrefs->go_debug) {
        $exit = $err_msg != null;
        if (function_exists('xdebug_call_file'))
            $err_msg = '<br>At file '.xdebug_call_file().':'.xdebug_call_line().':<br>'.$err_msg;
        check_db_error($err_msg, $sql, $exit);
 throw $e; // rethrow the exception after handling
    return $result;

I added error handling with try catch inorder to get the detailed query during the time of mysqli_sql_exception.


(16 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

FA is not fully ready for php8.2. It's still having several updates. So wait for next major release to move forward with php 8.2

I have made a video for the demonstration.  You can get the overview of the app and fuctionalities from it.

Kvcodes POS Demonstration video

For this issue. We should update on our FA program. I guess not on wiki. People needs to move to next php versions. So it's important to fix in core of FA


(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Issue is not with octet stream 

Open your FA/includes/

Find the top constant defined SECURE_ONLY as true. It will work . Suppose if it's true.

Your ssl May not work. Ask your hosting provider to fix ssl.

If that's not a problem. Try open the site with https. It will solve the problem. If still not the site has https.  Take screenshot and share it here.

@Mizanur Rahman,

We have  Android POS App for  FrontAccounting. Which will works based on Slim 4 Rest api and Access token based. And performs all your Sales activity such as Sales order, Invoice, payment, and credit note with it.

Demo apk can be provided.   Knock me

When we even turn on the go_debug 2. that doesnt get the mysql errors like 1062 duplicate entry, 1054 column not found errors are not showing the query which get this error.  But in php 8.0 it works fine.

We need to update the error handler or fix it work based on php 8.2