Topic: Upgrade from older version

I have Version 2.4.6 Build 24.12.2018 and want to upgrade to the latest version so I can get PHP8 support.

The latest is 2.4.18

Assuming I have not modified the database will a 2.4.6 backup restore ok in 2.4.18

I am going to wipe the old Fiscal Years, but want to keep inventory, manufacturing and COA, etc

(yes I been gone for a very long time)

Re: Upgrade from older version

Just keep a backup of both database and 2.4.6 in a zip.

And than install a new fa 2.4.18 in a separate folder with a new database.  Than copy this exported database of 2.4.6 to newfa/company/0/backups

And than login to your new fa 2.4.18 and goto setup backup and restore.  There you can restore the backup..

After that system will block and show you the message to update it.

Now goto updates. There you can update your data base to new.

Hope you also didn't make modifications in your FA 2.4.6

Subscription service based on FA
HRM CRM POS batch Themes

Re: Upgrade from older version

I recall making code changes, I think many were pushed back into the main source.
I am fairly sure I did not make db changes, I guess we'll find out.

myqsl_diff may come in handy...


Re: Upgrade from older version

The set of changed files from FA v2.4.6 through to the current last commit on 28th June 2024 v2.4.18+ is attached herewith.
Just overwriting the existing install should be fine but keep a backup of the FA 2.4.6 fileset as well.

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Re: Upgrade from older version

Well I started looking at the diffs between my version and the update files and then I tried the obvious and downloaded a fresh 2.4.6 unziped it and compared against my files

No changes... I guess all my updates were included in the 2.4.6 release (actually I had a fa23 directory, so maybe in 2.3...)

Whew this will be easy

Is there an official docker image?

I run almost everything I can in dockers for portability


Re: Upgrade from older version

Take any virtual machine, say from the likes of linode.
Make sure it is a lamp installation.
PHP 5.5 preferred with Apache 2.2 or 2.4.
MySQL 5.1 or MariaDB 10.5
Linux upto Debian 8 - Jessie should be fine.
Anything newer would need a huge read into the forums.
Unzip the latest FA bleeding edge.
PHP dependencies will be easily spotted in the install phase.

You can also use Hyper-V in any MS Windows flavour after WinXP and can install Debian 6, 7 or 8.

Re: Upgrade from older version

PHP 5?

The release announcement for 2.4.18 says PHP 8

Is that wrong?

Re: Upgrade from older version

PHP 5 is the base supported version for FA. If that is the release announcement, then it should be corrected. PHP 8 is being supported now as many mainstream distributions support it with some lag in minor versions.

Those on PHP5 have supported FA for as long as it existed and the newer installs are just being tried out predominantly by those feeling the waters.

Most developing and poor countries and those with unfavourable exchange rates still depend on older computers / servers that are still working. Most serious FA installs are still air gapped / on VPN. Even if a survey is done, the results will not be dependable as no will want to jeopardise info on their installs. It will be openly asking who did you vote for in the elections or who and what vested interests fund your campaign for what quid pro quo.

Re: Upgrade from older version

I didn't mean to spark a Holy War!

I have run the recent server versions of Ubuntu (like 22.04) on 10 year old systems, add memory and they run well.
Older computers do not mandate old operating systems (unless we're talking about Windows lol)

I am sure Air gapped / VPN system won't be cheap and old smile

All kidding aside, with such a discrepancy between recommended support (PHP5) and current releases it sounds like a official docker image would really make installs easier.

And in fact putting the install inside a container provides some additional isolation...

Re: Upgrade from older version

Air gapped / VPN systems are easily done on older computers without buying VPN services. HyperV in Windows and VMWare Player are good fits with any firewall worth iits name - pfSense, SMEServer, etc.

I do use latest FA on OpenVZ and LXC too - hardly 250MB as template.

Re: Upgrade from older version

We're circling around semantics.

Old computers can run modern (more secure) versions of Linux...

So anyway ..

The bottom line is that while PHP8 is supported, it sounds like PHP5 is recommended


Re: Upgrade from older version

Very much so.
To run FA you only need a CLI install of Linux.
Later versions of Linux will help manage various cyphers for SSL TLS v1.3.
Debian 6 (Squeeze) runs FA very well when fully updated it is quite secure provided you have a good firewall - even PPTP VPN on pfSense 2.2.6 (since removed after NetGate took it over) would suffice.
It is however imperative that the access and error logs in the firewall and the FA PHP erro logs are regularly monitors - DDoS attacks have become very rampant and iptables manually monitored (fail2ban fails in many instances) will rener it safe albeit expensive in time and effort.