itronics, I think you've misunderstood my post.
Let me try to convey my point in a different way.
(FYI, I am using advanced manufacturing process.)
The 'Inventory Item Movement' page shows the table 'stock_moves' filtered by 'stock_move.stock_id'. The 'Type' field rendered in the page is directly related to 'stock_moves.type', if I am correct.
I noticed that the 'stock_moves.type' and 'stock_moves.trans_no' fields refer to a work order in case of non-manufactured items but they refer to a work order production in case of manufactured items.
I think it should be possible to update these fields with the work order production number/work order issue number instead of work order number. I think a row is added in the stock_moves table whenever a production or issue is processed. At this time the production number or issue number needs to be entered instead of work order number.
Ofcourse, these fields should refer to the work order number in case of assembly manufacturing as there will be no productions involved.
Hope I've made my point clear and hope there's a possible solution.