I'm using FrontAccounting now since januari 2010 and it has some really great advantages. However it has also some things which are holding up. I found another (for me) limitation which is that I cannot change the item price on the sales invoice.

I might understand that I cannot change the invoice after submitting, although some ledger packages do allow this. However when I processed the delivery (which is a virtual process for my services) then I create an invoice from the delivery and it will not allow me to change prices anymore. And this feels strange to me.

I thought I could use the SO for the items to be ordered and correct prices when invoicing. This seems not to be true or I cannot find it. Is there another way to change the price the last minute or how should I proceed on this?

I do appreciate the input of rodw and at first it seems like a good solution, however probably maintenance wise it's not prefered to have extra company options for this. I think if the subtotal tax excluded is added to the screen and invoice report then this will fullfill my needs.

Whether or not to also show Subtotal tax included I think this depends whether it can differ from the invoice total. If the Subtotal tax included will never be different from the invoice total then there seems no need to add it. But probably it might differ in case of shipment? I just checked the demo and indeed the total invoice will have shipment included while the subtotal will only sum the item lines.

This means that also Subtotal tax excluded is not good enough for me. I'm looking for the Total invoice tax excluded.

If I send an invoice to a client and I'm not sure whether it's a company or private person then at least total excluding, the VAT and the total including are relevant.

I'm using the sales type "retail" with the tax included set. So when creating an invoice then the prices of the items are including tax. An item of 16 euro will be 16 euro including tax.

The total will also show 16 euro which is great. However the sub-total I would prefer to see the sub-total excluding tax while currently (FA 2.2.6) it shows again the total including tax.

sub-total : 16.00
VAT 19% included 2.55 : (and then nothing in the cell with amounts)
total : 16.00

And I'm really missing the amount excluding tax. I would prefer to see:

sub-total excluding VAT: 13.45
VAT 19%: 2.55
total including VAT: 16.00

In this case it will keep a consistent sub-total calculation whether the sales type is including or excluding tax.

I'm not sure if I get the point. Isn't everybody processing his bank accounts?

When I'm checking the bank transaction received from my bank then I get teh customer payments details. How should I then process this effectively in FA?

When I click 'Allocate Customer Payments or Credit Notes' I only see Bank Deposit type and not my open invoices. While if I go to 'Customer Payments' and select the appropriate customer then it will show the open invoices.

Is something going wrong at my place?

When I enter an incoming invoice and select the deposit option to book the bank transfer then I again need to find the same supplier from the list. It would be nice to set the default of the supplier to the one just entering the invoice for.

It are just little fine tunings and I prefer to post them instantly otherwise I will forget. Additional it's a compliment for the rest of the tool as it concerns only little glitches : -)

When handling customer payments I get all the customers while in fact I'm only interested in the customers with open payments.

Maybe to show the dropdown with only customer with open payments and an option to show all again. Or otherwise an extra icon in the Customer Allocation Inquiry list?

Will it also be possible / easy to implement to allow entering the recurrent schedule directly from the SO?

This will drastically improve efficiency for me. It will skip the steps to first inquiry the SO list again, then to enable the template, then goto maintenance of the recurrent schedule and select the same customer + SO again.

So either a choice in the page after submitting the SO and/or from the SO inquiry list where the checkbox is shown to enable a template with an extra icon to schedule the SO.

For the batch invoicing to consolidate manual + recurrent invoices it would be an idea to create a recurrent delivery (and not already the invoice). Then I can use the already existing batch invoice functionality to consolidate the deliveries.

The general idea is that the SO will be the contract to describe the services and the schedule will generate the deliveries yearly or another period.

Please let me know if this will be feasible and let me know if I should document this on another place?

I indeed managed to use the batch invoice functionality you learned me. It's functioning for the moment when making manual SO's and generate the deliveries for these SO's.

If I understand well then the recurrent invoice will not be able to consolidate with manual SO's. I didn't test it yet myself.

You do mention the future dev wiki. I'm still thinking what would be efficient to process the contracts. I cannot yet say how it should be, all I know is that currently I do see a delay in work on setting up the recurrent invoicing.

Let me explain what I do now. When a customer orders a domain name, I make a new product with the domain name, then I make the SO with this domain. Then I have to inquiry the SO's to make it a template as I want every customer to get his own domain references (and renewal date which I put in the item description e.g. domain.tld [23-JAN]). Then I go to the the maintenance of recurrent invoices, I (try to) select the correct original template SO from the dropdown (very difficult as you only see prices and a number which is not even my SO reference number). Then I put 12 months and the start date. I then will have to visit the creation of recurrent invoices frequently to check the ones to be created. Maybe I will make this my starting page.

I probably will have better ideas later when using FA longer and then I will definitely come back to share these.

I split customer name with a comma by:
lastname, firstname

also for the short name (as I did an import from my previous ledger with the FA cvs import module).

The result is that it tries to e-mail to:

To: lastname@serverdomein.nl, firstname <validemail@validdomain.nl>

I took this line from the mail it tries to send. FA 2.2.6 returns an error that it could not send the mail (I send it in the page just after submitting the sales invoice).

It looks like it tries to send it to two addresses:
firstname <validemail@validdomain.nl>

I'm looking for the sales and purchase invoices for a specific item. I know I sold a specific item for which I do know the item number (or description) and I'd like FrontAccounting to search for the invoices where I sold this item on.

Maybe you will have this functionality, however I'm looking for it and cannot find it yet.

I cannot find the batch invoicing functionality. Is it availeble in 2.2.6? or in the demo 2.3? or is it in development?

Please let me know so I can review.

Hi Itronics, I will try to explain.

Consider a hosting company selling domain + hosting. Imagine I have a customer with 6 domains each with a different starting date during the year. These will get yearly recurrent fees. This I consider as contracts. So one customer having 6 contracts. And I make 6 recurrent SO's.

Besides the contracts he also asks for installation of a CMS or webshop. Then I will charge this by also making an Sales Order for this.

Now ideally the customer should not be flathered with small invoices.

To get this processed efficiently the recurrent functionality within FA would generate SO's. Next step is that multiple SO's (manual ones + recurrent generated ones) should be consolidated into one Sales Invoice. So with the given example it might end-up in 3 invoices based on 6 recurrent SO's an some manual SO's (let's say 3). Currently I'm missing the SO consolidation functionality and would generate 9 invoices.

My perception of a contract is an agreement with the customer. An SO could function as a contract, especially when it's recurrent. If the invoicing is more customer oriented instead of order oriented then this will really be appreciated by service companies.

I hope this makes it more clear and I think it is basically dual to the 'Supplier Invoice' functionality where items can be selected from different PO's/GRN's.

I'm looking into a way to add line items to an (recurrent) invoice.

Actually my experience is that this is not possible. Probably due to complexity to book the GL? However I'm just asking because FA did surprise me before and otherwise it might be a valueable feature.

Actually I'm creating SO templates for domain hosting. However I would like to add lines at the moment the invoice is created, for example setup fee. Or better, not add the lines, but prepare another SO and combine both SO's to one Sales Invoice.

Simular functinoality as already existing in FA when multiple PO's could result in one Purchase invoice.

By supporting multiples SO's into one Sales Order I think you would have established the fundament for contracts.


(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

When I send the invoice per e-mail via the report module then I get an error. However the mail is properly send!

It's a dutch message, something like 'cannot send mail'. While when I mail the invoice directly after entering the invoice it is working properly.

I'm running php5.3 and FA2.2.6. I do see some errors in the php log:

class.pdf.inc:63: Declaration of Cpdf::ellipse() should be compatible with that of TCPDF::Ellipse(), referer: front/reporting/reports_main.php?Class=0
pdf_report.inc:19: Declaration of FrontReport::Line() should be compatible with that of Cpdf::line(), referer: front/reporting/reports_main.php?Class=0
pdf_report.inc:19: Declaration of FrontReport::SetDrawColor() should be compatible with that of TCPDF::SetDrawColor(), referer: front/reporting/reports_main.php?Class=0
pdf_report.inc:19: Declaration of FrontReport::SetFillColor() should be compatible with that of TCPDF::SetFillColor(), referer: front/reporting/reports_main.php?Class=0
pdf_report.inc:19: Declaration of FrontReport::SetTextColor() should be compatible with that of TCPDF::SetTextColor(), referer: front/reporting/reports_main.php?Class=0
tcpdf.php:4539: Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated, referer: front/reporting/reports_main.php?Class=0

Although I'm not sure if this is related. And functionality seems to be oke (as it's sending the pdf by e-mail)

I'm just notified on the including tax option for the Sales Type. Maybe it's an idea to select on this flag instead of the GSTno of the customer. So when the sales type has tax included enabled then also show the invoice with item prices and line totals including tax. However I didn't check how to do this...

I also managed to switch the heading of the invoice to show 'price incl. tax' or 'price excl. tax'.

line 106 (FA version 2.2.6) of reporting/includes/doctext.inc

find this:

            $this->headers = array(_("Item Code"), _("Item Description"),    _("Quantity"),
                _("Unit"), _("Price"), _("Discount %"), _("Total"));

and modify into:

          if( $myrow["tax_id"] == "" ) {
            $tax = " incl. VAT";
          } else {
            $tax = " excl. VAT";
            $this->headers = array(_("Item Code"), _("Item Description"),    _("Quantity"),
                _("Unit"), _("Price").$tax, _("Discount %"), _("Total").$tax);

Just to share my adjustments to support end-user B2C and company B2B invoicing.


(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Hi Kerrsmith, thanks for your explanation and notifying me on the tax included option for the Sales Types. I totally missed this option. It's working as expected so far, great! Gr. Bob

At my side with FA2.2.6 I really get the correct values. So per line item the price per piece and the line total are both including VAT/tax.

The only change I do is to calculate the DisplayPrice based on the price including tax (FullUnitPrice) and als re-calculate the $Net based on this price including tax. With re-calculating I mean that the original $Net= will exist and also the $SubTotal += $Net; so one line after this I re-calcultate $Net for the item line. The re-calculation is not done in case it's a company as then the price is already correct.

I'm selling to end-users including VAT and want to enter 16,- euro including the 19% vat. This seems not be possible so I enter 13.44 excluding VAT which becomes 15.99 while 13.45 becomes 16.01.

So no possibility to result in 16.00 euro exactly. I currently changed from 2 to 4 decimals and entered 13.4454. I this the way to go?

Do you have plans to support price including VAT?

I found a way to invoice to B2B and to end-users. For B2B I wanted to keep the current invoice excluding tax. For end-users I needed to show the prices per line item including tax/VAT.

I replaced in reporting/rep107.php line 122 (FA version 1.2.6)

                $DisplayPrice = number_format2($myrow2["unit_price"],$dec);


          if( $myrow["tax_id"] == "" ) {
                  $Net = round2($sign * ((1 - $myrow2["discount_percent"]) * ($myrow2["FullUnitPrice"]) * $myrow2["quantity"]), user_price_dec());
               $DisplayPrice = number_format2($myrow2["FullUnitPrice"],$dec);
        } else {
              $DisplayPrice = number_format2($myrow2["unit_price"],$dec);

In case you fill in a TAX_ID which is the GSTNo in the customer record then the customer is considered to be a company and will show the prices excluding VAT. When this is field is kept empty it will show the prices including VAT.

Ok great, it's configureable per item. And it's working now also for purchase invoices.

Do you have any idea if 2.3RC will be available in days, weeks or months? I understand you don't want to commit to date, however it will affect my decision to wait for 2.3RC or use 2.3CVS.


(5 replies, posted in Installation)

Indeed I see backup files generated by FA, very good! One minor issue (not even an issue for me), it dumps both company backups in the company/0/backup folder. I see both the database_0_20100217_0024.sql and database_1_20100217_0024.sql in company/0/backup  and no (new) ones in company/1/backup. I'm using the unstable CVS 2.3 md6 downloaded today 17-Feb-2010.

Hi Itronics, I've installed the unstable CVS 2.3 byt the use of https://frontaccounting.com/punbb/viewtopic.php?id=9

I'm able to enter multiple lines with the same item code, however I'm not able to modify the description. While on your demo 2.3 CVS it's working properly.

Could you advise me how I can download / enable the option to edit the item description for purchasing.
Gr. Bob


(5 replies, posted in Installation)

I also noticed that one should not run the FORCE database install 2.2->2.3 after the normal install. This I did because the company kept blocked. The first time the install runs then the company preferances are moved from table 0_company to 0_sys_prefs and the 0_company is deleted. With a second (forced) run it will first remove 0_sys_prefs and then try to rebuild it from 0_company. However the 0_company is not there and thus the 0_sys_prefs cannot be rebuild. So always make backups before upgrading (yes I did).


(5 replies, posted in Installation)

I dig more into the code. I noticed that 0_sys_prefs was properly updated to version_id = 2.3, but not for 1_sys_prefs, still on 2.2

Then in the upgrade script the function update_company_prefs( $params ) is called. Looks like here you would need the company as second parameter simular to the function get_company_pref($prefs = null, $tbpref = TB_PREF)

I manually changed version_id to 2.3 for company 1_ and could enter the company menu instead of the blocked message reported earlier.