Topic: Customer Payment not to show all customer

When handling customer payments I get all the customers while in fact I'm only interested in the customers with open payments.

Maybe to show the dropdown with only customer with open payments and an option to show all again. Or otherwise an extra icon in the Customer Allocation Inquiry list?

Re: Customer Payment not to show all customer

The problem is that not all are using the Customer Payment to allocate directly.


Re: Customer Payment not to show all customer

I'm not sure if I get the point. Isn't everybody processing his bank accounts?

When I'm checking the bank transaction received from my bank then I get teh customer payments details. How should I then process this effectively in FA?

When I click 'Allocate Customer Payments or Credit Notes' I only see Bank Deposit type and not my open invoices. While if I go to 'Customer Payments' and select the appropriate customer then it will show the open invoices.

Is something going wrong at my place?