Topic: Combine SO's into one Sales Invoice

I'm looking into a way to add line items to an (recurrent) invoice.

Actually my experience is that this is not possible. Probably due to complexity to book the GL? However I'm just asking because FA did surprise me before and otherwise it might be a valueable feature.

Actually I'm creating SO templates for domain hosting. However I would like to add lines at the moment the invoice is created, for example setup fee. Or better, not add the lines, but prepare another SO and combine both SO's to one Sales Invoice.

Simular functinoality as already existing in FA when multiple PO's could result in one Purchase invoice.

By supporting multiples SO's into one Sales Order I think you would have established the fundament for contracts.

Re: Combine SO's into one Sales Invoice

Currently adding lines to recurrent invoices is imposiible because of way how reccurent invoices are maintained.

I'm not sure what functionality you mean by contracts in last paragraph.


Re: Combine SO's into one Sales Invoice

Hi Itronics, I will try to explain.

Consider a hosting company selling domain + hosting. Imagine I have a customer with 6 domains each with a different starting date during the year. These will get yearly recurrent fees. This I consider as contracts. So one customer having 6 contracts. And I make 6 recurrent SO's.

Besides the contracts he also asks for installation of a CMS or webshop. Then I will charge this by also making an Sales Order for this.

Now ideally the customer should not be flathered with small invoices.

To get this processed efficiently the recurrent functionality within FA would generate SO's. Next step is that multiple SO's (manual ones + recurrent generated ones) should be consolidated into one Sales Invoice. So with the given example it might end-up in 3 invoices based on 6 recurrent SO's an some manual SO's (let's say 3). Currently I'm missing the SO consolidation functionality and would generate 9 invoices.

My perception of a contract is an agreement with the customer. An SO could function as a contract, especially when it's recurrent. If the invoicing is more customer oriented instead of order oriented then this will really be appreciated by service companies.

I hope this makes it more clear and I think it is basically dual to the 'Supplier Invoice' functionality where items can be selected from different PO's/GRN's.

Re: Combine SO's into one Sales Invoice

Thanks for your explanation. It is very clear and helpful. Maybe we should consider implementation of such general idea of contract based on current implementation of sales order. Just to have implemented catalog of contractors.

In fact we have currently implemented batch invoices which do most what you want, I think. Sales order is created on customer demand, then when the work is finished (e.g. some maintenance on client website is done) delivery note should be created (even if there is no physical delivery done). At the end of invoicing period you can make single invoice against a couple of jobs done (deliveries) for given customer.

If you think current implementation of batch invoices is not satisfactory (e.g. because we have only recurrent invoices, not deliveries) I would suggest to  put your idea on separated Wiki page linked to future development page, just to not forget it.


Re: Combine SO's into one Sales Invoice

I cannot find the batch invoicing functionality. Is it availeble in 2.2.6? or in the demo 2.3? or is it in development?

Please let me know so I can review.

Re: Combine SO's into one Sales Invoice

Yes, of course it is available since 2.0 or 2.1. You can try it by preparing a couple of delivery notes for some customer, than go to Sales/Invoice Against Sales Delivery, check all delivery to be invoiced and press Batch button.

Re: Combine SO's into one Sales Invoice

I indeed managed to use the batch invoice functionality you learned me. It's functioning for the moment when making manual SO's and generate the deliveries for these SO's.

If I understand well then the recurrent invoice will not be able to consolidate with manual SO's. I didn't test it yet myself.

You do mention the future dev wiki. I'm still thinking what would be efficient to process the contracts. I cannot yet say how it should be, all I know is that currently I do see a delay in work on setting up the recurrent invoicing.

Let me explain what I do now. When a customer orders a domain name, I make a new product with the domain name, then I make the SO with this domain. Then I have to inquiry the SO's to make it a template as I want every customer to get his own domain references (and renewal date which I put in the item description e.g. domain.tld [23-JAN]). Then I go to the the maintenance of recurrent invoices, I (try to) select the correct original template SO from the dropdown (very difficult as you only see prices and a number which is not even my SO reference number). Then I put 12 months and the start date. I then will have to visit the creation of recurrent invoices frequently to check the ones to be created. Maybe I will make this my starting page.

I probably will have better ideas later when using FA longer and then I will definitely come back to share these.

Re: Combine SO's into one Sales Invoice

Recurrent invoices nor sales orders cannot be consolidated into batch invoice, just because any invoice can be generated only against delivery notes, not orders and not already issued (recurrent) invoices. It seems to be obvious.

Regarding selection of template to be used for recurrent invoicing, we should add order reference in the table. It is not here, just because it was added just in 2.2 release, and we forgot it.


Re: Combine SO's into one Sales Invoice

Will it also be possible / easy to implement to allow entering the recurrent schedule directly from the SO?

This will drastically improve efficiency for me. It will skip the steps to first inquiry the SO list again, then to enable the template, then goto maintenance of the recurrent schedule and select the same customer + SO again.

So either a choice in the page after submitting the SO and/or from the SO inquiry list where the checkbox is shown to enable a template with an extra icon to schedule the SO.

For the batch invoicing to consolidate manual + recurrent invoices it would be an idea to create a recurrent delivery (and not already the invoice). Then I can use the already existing batch invoice functionality to consolidate the deliveries.

The general idea is that the SO will be the contract to describe the services and the schedule will generate the deliveries yearly or another period.

Please let me know if this will be feasible and let me know if I should document this on another place?

Re: Combine SO's into one Sales Invoice

Yes, I understand this is now complex processing, but I'm not sure your needs are common for some wider audience. Anyway I think we will find some satisfactory solution.
The contracts idea looks interesting enough to work on it. I think that, when implemented correctly, it would fulfill all requirements for recursive invoices without additional hassle for users not using it.

So it is how I understand the contract idea:
. There are two groups of customers: normal and contracted. The latter category can order goods at any time,  and delivery is done asap like for normal customers, but invoices are issued on some periodic base.
. Invoices for contracted customers should be issued just like the recurrent invoices are now processed, but should also involve all additional non-periodic deliveries made for the customer since previous periodic invoice was issued.
. All delivery notes for contracted customers should be hidden in 'Invoice Against Sales Delivery' selection page. Instead they should appear in recurrent invoicing page, where they can be selected for batch invoicing.

Would be this contract scheme satisfactory for you?
